Feb 05, 2004 17:33
Since I now have read fics by two authors that I know post here and on of them seems to have had an unfortunate real life incident and has made their journal friends only, I guess I better figure out how to use this. And then I can try to figure out her instructions about filters, and e-mailing and such so I can keep up with her writing.:)
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The thing is that I made my journal friends-only, but I decided to friend back everyone who friends me, because I don't want anyone from my *real life* knowing about my journal, not necessarily people from the fandom. The issue is that I can't friend you back because i'm at my friending limit. So I made another journal, ontheside, which is the exact same journal, just cross-posted--I just have more room to friend people on it. I've friended you there instead, and I just wanted to point out to you that ontheside is me. I'd love it if you friended me back there, because I feel bad being on your friends list without you having the ability to actually read my posts.
I hope you enjoy LJ. If you need help figuring out how anything works, just ask.
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