Eurovision part one

May 12, 2009 22:14

Eurovision is back and so are the eighties, big hair and white suits and that’s just the men.

Montenegro - Grease meets Abba (22)

Czech Republic - Super gypsy hero (23)

Belgium - Elvis isn’t dead, he just moved to Belgium (18)

Belarus - Is that Peter Frampton on guitar? (19)

Sweden - Oh, no its euro pop opera (18) *

Armenia - Not Sharkira (17) *

Andorra - That’s what Gerry’s doing now (20)

Switzerland - U2 and cuckoo clocks (19)

Turkey - A passable Sharkira (21) *

Israel - There must be another song (18) *

Bulgaria - Red cape and Merlin (17)

Iceland - Is it true...Probably not (21) *

FYR Macedonia - G’n’R meets Eurovision (22)

Romania - Didin’t she just sing for Turkey? (19) *

Finland - Finland’s answer to Eminem (16) *

Portugal - Never won and this isn’t going to change this (18) *

Malta - What if we…don’t mention this song again (17) *

Bosnia & Herzegovina - Love & Death (20) *

My ratings (out of 30) are in the brackets, the asterisks mean they went through to Saturday’s final. I only managed to get five correct, so all is well in Euroland and we have the two favourites in Thursday’s semi.

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