Wow! He was so eloquent in his opener, so sensitive and insightful that his audience just sat there . . . stunned.
Well, yes, it wasn't exactly a thundering response. Not discouraging, but it gave me some pause for thought. Thank God for
Saltysea, or I'd have wondered if the mic was even turned on. It kind of reminded me of a strange passage by the French
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Comments 4
Now, I don't expect anything, thereby limiting my disappointment.
Keep it up!
Those are good insights. I think the anonymity factor has a lot to do with it. There is only the illusion of friendships on these sites, for the most part; even using the term, 'friend,' is a borrowing from another way of life, and an effort to 'make it so by naming it.' It does, however, represent the dreams and wishes of so many people, which is rather disturbing if you think about it, because of what it says about societal trends.
The journal just finally has to be for one's own purposes, and sufficient unto itself. That's part of what I'm learning from it.
Don't be discouraged. Please continue.
As you know, I'm a writer, too. I don't write for fame or money, but of course it's nice whenever I get enough feedback to learn that something I wrote has reached another person and affected them in a positive or useful way. Like you, though, I decided to proceed even if I never received feedback. I just say my piece, trusting that the gods and the Universe wouldn't have given me such a strong drive to write and a gift for language if there weren't someone out there who needs to read what I have to say. Of course, it's also my responsibility to hone my craft and give my potential readers something that is worthy of reading. But that's another topic entirely. :)
I find that I do much better on LJ when I post something solely because I want to. Comments can be nice, sure, but I try to keep in mind that there are all kinds of reasons that people might not respond to what I write, including the fact that if they don't log in very often or have a huge friends list, my ( ... )
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