Older Not Dead - Posting Guidelines

Sep 24, 2007 17:40

1. The prompts are broken down firstly by fandom and then into blocks within the fandom of specific pairings and no pairing, just prompts.

1a. Where a pairing and a prompt is given you must use that pairing with the prompt.

1b. Where only a prompt is given, you can use any pairing within the fandom.

1c. What you cannot do is to take a prompt from one fandom and use it for another. The prompt must be used within the specific fandom, and if a pairing is listed for that specific pairing.

1d. When no fandom or pairing it given you are free to use any you so desire.

2a. Stories must be a minimum of 100 words. There is, however, no maximum.

2b. Artwork must consist of a minimum of one icon. There is, however, no maximum limit.

3. ALL stories/artwork no matter how short, must be placed behind the LJ-Cut. If you do not know how to do this please go here.

4. You can write as many stories/produces as many pieces of artwork as you wish, there are no limits, and the same prompt can be used my multiple people - you do not have to claim a prompt. Just select the one(s) you like and write.

5. The Mods will tag your posts and there will be three tags for each post: LJ user name, fandom, pairing. The stories/artwork will also be put into memories by pairing.

6. When posting please use the following:

SUBJECT LINE: Fandom. Pairing. Prompt.


PAIRING: Full names, please not ‘squashed up’ names. For example, if you’re writing Gibbs/Abby, please use Gibbs/Abby (or indeed their complete names), not Gabby.
GENRE: Slash or Het
SUMMARY: This can be as brief or detailed as you like, but please put one.
WARNINGS: We're not going to make a huge list here, as one person's idea of warning will be another ones' 'like'. However, the things for which we suggest a warning should be given are: death of a major character, heavy BDSM, any other extreme fetish, unhappy ending, partner betrayal, partner rape. Please note that slash and het are not considered warnings. Also 'older person romance/sex is definitely NOT a warning. This comm is for those over 40. And sex itself is not a warning either; this comm is for slash and het pairings, thus warning for sex is unnecessary.
NOTES: Anything else you'd like to mention.
DISCLAIMER: Something like: 'I don't own these characters, nor am I making any money from them. I merely borrow them from time to time'.


TITLE: Optional - I know some people like to title their artwork.
PAIRING: Full names, please not ‘squashed up’ names. For example, if you’re writing Gibbs/Abby, please use Gibbs/Abby (or indeed their complete names), not Gabby.
GENRE: Slash or Het
NOTES: Anything else you'd like to mention. For example 'not work safe' or the number of icons/pieces of artwork.

!admin: posting guidelines, !!admin

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