Title: Armistice
Rating: NC-17 eventually, not yet
Pairing: Erik/Charles
Genre: WWI AU
WC: 4000 so far, in three chapters
Summary: 1917. Craiglockhart, a mental hospital in Scotland. Erik Lehnsherr is a Siegfried Sassoon-esque World War I poet, and Charles Xavier (Wilfred Owen) is a fellow patient at the hospital who turns out to share more than Lehnsherr's gift for poetry. Everyone's still a mutant, but the
origins of the mutations are a peculiar form of shellshock, and (given the dates) major hunks of folks' backstories are different. There will be smut soon.
A/N: I come once more bearing fic! After approximately a decade. Hope all is well! Some people do nanowrimo. Other people hear November and think "oh, this is when I should write a World War I poets AU." I turn out to be in the second category! I hope this floats someone's boat! (INSERT ILL-TIMED LUSITANIA REFERENCE)
Prologue Chapter One Chapter Two (crossposted at