Jun 08, 2009 18:04
- 09:28 if you invalidate the Main backup the Diff will be a full... #
- 09:38 wonders if we still have a government? #
- 09:39 @ georginahardy that was the cause. bit.ly/12YfLe
is interesting in this case # - 11:30 looks at the Cycle to work option. #
Jun 06, 2009 18:04
- 10:26 Brunch at Becketts farm. N #
- 10:26 Brunch at Beckett's farm. Nom #
Jun 04, 2009 18:04
- 08:12 Election Day. Don't forget to vote. (or at least go and spoil your ballot by writing nasty things over it.) #
Jun 01, 2009 18:04
- 09:30 have been left in charge today... #
- 10:24 wooo (hopefully be good) www.bloodbowl-game.com/ #
- 11:04 Fileserver go BSOD... #
- 11:53 I see the fail whale is in residence today. #
- 15:01 @ smescrater always has been, but you can use google cache to find the results #
May 31, 2009 18:03
- 12:45 "what's the password Wizzard?" twitpic.com/6bt5t #
- 12:47 Gone to town for a bit. Randomness may ensue. #
May 30, 2009 18:03
- 15:50 No violence pact lasted about 30 seconds. #
May 28, 2009 18:07
- 14:32 vista SP2? How long to install? Place bet now... #
- 15:18 First reboot. #
- 15:54 and DONE!. #
- 16:20 @ agentvincent it'll end well. Morris looks like a happy ending #
May 27, 2009 18:13
- 10:15 so far so good today #