Stats and Permissions

Mar 28, 2009 13:48

Age: 35
Height: Tall but not towering.
Medical Info: HEALTHY but, if you can sense it, he's dead. More on that below.
Eyes: Dark - the right eye is always shut and assumed blinded
Hair: Black, with some streaks of grey
Physical traits: A big scar over his right eye. Strong arms.
Stuff/weapons: Red coat, a big jug of "NOG" at his side, and a big sword (Masamune, his celestial weapon).

What's Okay To Mention Around Him/Her: Anything. No very many things bother Auron. He's really zen most of the time. A sleeping-tiger kind of zen.

Abilities: IS A FINAL FANTASY CHARACTER. All of his attack skills are with his aforementioned sword. Has high strength but not so much speed. If he does get into a serious fight he is a force to be reckoned with. See links below if you want any specifics on attacks.

Notes for Psychics: Generally calm kind of thoughts, thoughts about castmates (TIDUS, YUNA, Rikku), past companions (JECHT, BRASKA), monsters called Sin. Also, is dead. His "body" isn't like a zombie, but a spirit staying together through sheer force of will. Otherwise, everything is the same - he ages, can still get injured, etc.

Can I shapeshift/bodyswap/spit at/step on/etc?: KIDS THESE DAYS, meaning, sure. Ping me for anything in particular.

Maim/Murder/Death: One can try. Success is another matter. Ping me.

Cooking: Yes, but nothing special.

Notes: Auron is taken from post-FFX. I'm also giving him some Kingdom Hearts 2 familiarity as it implies he's the exact same character. Notably, when Sora picks up the Auron-figurine, you hear a bunch of FFX quotes. Headcanon-wise, Auron's Adventures in KHII takes place after he dies, but before he goes to Tidus' Zanarkand... THE CONTINUITY IS IN THE HAIR.

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