Title: Between the Lines - Chapter 6 - Lions Slaughter Gazelles
Characters: Sylar, Chandra Suresh
Summary: Elle and Sylar's relationship examined. Chapter 6: Sylar and Suresh work together to identify people with abilities, and Sylar helps himself to a few
Rating: PG-13
Disclaimer: Heroes does not belong to me. I'm in debt to Tim Kring for
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Comments 5
Anywho , i really liked this chapter , though i have two tiny problems with it :1- why didn't Gabriel / Sylar react to the fact that Trever's body wasn't there anymore when he came back the other morning .
2- How could " Christopher " survive Sylar cutting his head open & poking in his brain ?!
Sorry if i was out of line...
I will be waiting for the next update
1- I just figured he didn't care about the body. Plus, he reacts to the scene being cleaned up later, and I didn't want to repeat the idea.
2- I got the idea from what the FBI agents say in episode 1.02 about Barstow, and just put my own spin on their vague summary.
The next update wont be for a little while. I was away since early Monday and only got back a few hours ago.
Loved it
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