For contact purposes,
you can always find me here, or PM Stephen's journal. WHICHEVER. I'll probably respond relatively quick.
Threadhopping/threadjacking with this character?:
Go for it, man.
Backtagging/backdating with this character?: Yes, please. If something's up and you wanna backdate shit, be my guest. Just note that I have a tendency to drop threads if it looks like the thread is done. If you feel like it wasn't, though, or had something else planned for it later on, feel free to drop me a note and I'll start the thread up again.
Hugging this character?: Go ahead! Stephen will be slightly confused as to this nonsense, but go ahead.
Giving this character a kiss?: If Stephen hasn't already kissed your character hello, I might be doing it wrong. Chastely! Suffice to say, go ahead. You might want to be careful about potential tongue, though; he won't respond well to that unless there's due build up. Especially if you're name isn't Diana Villiers.
Something more intimate?: Probably no (Stephen is a good Catholic!), but it depends on the circumstance (the flesh is weak!) so let's talk it out and see what those circumstances are, exactly. But still, probably no.
Relationships?: Is your name Diana Villiers? Then probably no.
Injury?: Sure, but ask first; Stephen is a consummate fighter and can probably keep his own fairly well.
Death?: Hmmmm ask me first. I don't need more reasons for Stephen to have A Sad.
Using telepathy/mind reading abilities on this character?: Please ask first, so I know what your character'd potentially see. But other than that, yeah, sure.
Is there anything you do not want mentioned near this character?: Pls don't tell him what happens later in his canon (specifically: anything to do with Diana, people he knows dying, his later career, etc). Unless it's little things like YOU TOO WILL ONE DAY TOUCH A PLATYPUS.
Is there anything you need us to know about interacting with this character?:
- Chaotic Good/Ravenclaw/Tyrell.
- 4th wall away. Stephen will be confused or worried, depending. And, you know. So he's a historical figure? That's... well. Interesting.
- Proooobably won't 4th wall unless your character is, like. From the bible. Or classical literature. Or historical??? Whatever, if that happens, you know I'll ask first and everything.
- Stephen is a naturalist, which means he will be very interested in the obviously nonhuman/sentient animal population of Luceti. And by 'very interested', we mean 'wants to cut open'. While he's not going to cut anyone open without their permission (obviously), he's still gonna be generally rude to anything that doesn't seem human to him, and ignore personal bubbles as necessary. If you'd like to tell me any particular PLEASE DO NOTS on this issue, please... do.
- Stephen's surname is Maturin, which is Irish Gaelic. There is a lot of canon flimflam about how, exactly, the name is pronounced-- in the audiobooks, they pronounce it the more Irish way, and in the movie they do not. To balance this, I'll need your help. Maturin will probably introduce himself with the English pronunciation-- "mah-tur-in"-- unless he thinks your character is Irish. Unless otherwise noted, assume he's using English pronunciation rules. If your character has any familiarity with Irish Gaelic, they should know his name is properly pronounced "mah-chur-in". I should probably be able to figure out if your character is Irish if Maturin is able to, but feel free to give me a head's up anyway.
- Consider the following:
To keep things organized: Stephen is a doctor, and he's a doctor from the 1800s. The early 1800s. And most of his schooling was technically in the late 1700s. Which is to say, his practices are... well, science has proven some of them wrong. So, if my character is going to do medicine on your character, what is and isn't okay? Mind that:
a) medicine in the 19th century was very much based upon the biases of the practitioner, so we can get away with mostly anything you want, within reason (he's not gonna say WE SHOULD DO AN ULTRASOUND but we can tweak it so he doesn't bleed anybody if you'd like).
b) this is really a sliding scale starting at PLACEBO and ending at LET'S CHOP THIS OFF IT MIGHT GANGRENE.
Note that the following text area only really applies if there's a chance of Stephen trying to give your character a lead-based tincture (for example), but you can fill it out ferfuckssake too if you want:
Contact: (how would you prefer I get in contact with you, if necessary? aim/email/twitter/what?)
Character Name:
Character Age:
Symptoms: (obvs this bit is only for if you are signing your character up for a specific appointment; if not, just leave this bit blank. unless your character has a chronic illness they might call upon stephen to treat repeatedly? UP TO YOU.)
Things Stephen Would Notice About My Character: (do they have magical blood or special eyes or something? leave this blank or just say no or whatever if your character is 100% normal human. likewise if you want Stephen to
not notice something, just say so.)
Y/N My Character Would Be Aware That What Stephen's Doing Is Outdated: (this, too, depends on what the medical need in question and what the everyone involved is aware of, so leave it blank or be vague or general as necessary to you, etc)
I am okay with Stephen doing the following to my characters: (put an X next to the things you're okay with, and explain if necessary)
• helpful treatments:
• helpful treatments delivered in unsafe or unclean ways:
• placebos:
• recommending special diets:
• alcohol: (especially noteworthy if your character is a child.)
• laudanum:
• lead:
• bloodletting: (how much / how)
• surgery:
• being subject to unclean conditions:
• amputation:
And I think that concludes our little chat. If you've got any questions, feel free to leave 'em here! If you think you can stand more of my
words, glory to you.