Title: Puppets - Part 1/3
Pairing/Focus: Jonghyun/Onew, Key/girl!Taemin, onsided!Jonghyun/Minho
Rating: PG-13
Final word count: 23,530
Summary: Where death can't keep loved ones apart, a fox reaches beyond his natural boundaries, and a puppet master is not what he seems.
A/N: Wrote this for this year's SHINee Big Bang. Yes I know its rushed, but I'
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Comments 8
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and yes, poor jongyu ;_; why do i do terrible things to all my characters? lol
thanks for reading!
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thanks for reading!
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Really have to read it ~~ always loving your comments on my fic so <3 And added you too, 'kay? n_n
i'm glad you like my comments! i hope this doesnt disappoint you *nervous laugh* the dialogue is crap XD
Imagining poor embarassed Jinki when his mother's telling such things about him x"DD
And lolol Jjong will be forever alone because he sings in sleeps and sleeps with open eyes /dies laughing
I loved the atmosphere in the beginning, the special street and relationships and how it suddenly changed with that accident... srsly my heart skipped a beat reading that D:
And I cried so much afterwards ;~; But I forgive you since the idea was amazing and you made him come back to life again x"D And Minho the angel asdf
And Key the fox so cute :'3 Not to mention Tayeon ke
Onew telling Jonghyun to pretend ;~; *another round of tearing up*
*breathes out* Okay, I'll get to the next chap tomorrow! I have a feeling my poor heart can't handle more x"D /joking
I still loved it a lot, the whole idea and all ❤
but im glad you liked this lol. sorry for making you cry! D:
XD i had to make it all lighthearted in the beginning so that the turn of events would seem more heartbreaking :P
i hope you like the rest of it!
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