Два десятка лет назад американский филантроп сэр Джон Темплтон учредил премию своего одноименного фонда за труды в области сближения позиций науки и религии и пообещал, что эта премия всегда будет выше Нобелевской.
Prize Winners.
http://www.templetonprize.org John D. Barrow (2006)
John D. Barrow, Professor of Mathematical Sciences at the University of Cambridge, is a cosmologist whose writings about the relationship between life and the universe, and the nature of human understanding, have created new perspectives on questions of ultimate concern to science and religion. Barrow's insights from mathematics, physics and astronomy challenge scientists and theologians to cross the boundaries of their disciplines if they are to fully realize what they may or may not understand about how time, space, and matter began, and the behavior of the universe (or, perhaps, "multiverses").
Professor Charles H. Townes (2005)
Charles H. Townes is Professor in the Graduate School at the University of California, Berkeley. He shared the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1964 with Aleksander Prokhorov and Nikolai Basov for his investigations into the properties of microwaves which led to his invention of the maser, a device which amplifies electromagnetic waves, and later, his co-invention of the laser, which amplifies and directs light waves into parallel direct beams. His research opened the door for an astonishing array of inventions now in common use in medicine, telecommunications, electronics, and computers.
George F. R. Ellis, Ph.D. (2004)
George F.R. Ellis, professor of Applied Mathematics at the University of Cape Town, is a theoretical cosmologist specializing in general relativity theory, an area first broadly investigated by Albert Einstein. Dr. Ellis is considered to be among a handful of the world’s leading relativistic cosmologists, including luminaries such as Stephen Hawking and Malcolm MacCallum. His first book, The Large Scale Structure of Space-Time, written with Stephen Hawking and published in 1973, continues to be a standard reference work on the subject. His most recent investigations question whether or not there was ever a start to the universe and, indeed, if there is only one universe or many.
Professor Holmes Rolston III (2003)
Known as the "father of environmental ethics," Holmes Rolston III is one of the world's leading advocates for protecting Earth's biodiversity and ecology in recognition of the intrinsic values of creation. He is University Distinguished Professor at Colorado State University and a Presbyterian minister. His 30 years of research, books published in 18 languages and lectures delivered around the world on the religious imperative to respect nature have established the field of environmental ethics.
Rev. Dr. John C. Polkinghorne (2002)
John C. Polkinghorne is a mathematical physicist and Anglican priest whose treatment of theology as a natural science invigorated the search for interface between science and religion and made him a leading figure in this emerging field. Dr. Polkinghorne resigned a prestigious position as Professor of Mathematical Physics at the University of Cambridge in 1979 to pursue theological studies, becoming a priest in 1982. Since then, his extensive writings and lectures have consistently applied scientific habits to Christianity, resulting in a modern and compelling, new exploration of the faith. His approach to the fundamentals of Christian orthodoxy creation, using the habits of a rigorous scientific mind have brought him international recognition as a unique voice for understanding the Bible as well as evolving doctrine.
Rev. Canon Dr. Arthur Peacocke (2001)
As senior lecturer in biophysical chemistry at the University of Birmingham in England, conventional church teaching left him disenchanted. Seeking an alternative to automatic acceptance of scriptural authority of the Church, he began a thorough study of theology, with the encouragement of a professor, Geoffrey Lampe. In 1960, he received a Diploma in Theology and in 1971, a Bachelor of Divinity from Birmingham University. It was at this time that his scientific and theological pursuits tangibly merged with the publication of Science and the Christian Experiment, which he wrote while still a full-time scientist with a research group working on the physical chemistry of DNA and proteins. In 1973, the book won the prestigious Lecomte du Noüy Prize, the first global recognition of Peacocke as a leader in the new discipline of science and religion. That same year, he became Dean of Clare College, Cambridge, allowing him to pursue more fully his interdisciplinary vocation.
Professor Freeman J. Dyson (2000)
Of the many qualities attributed to physicist and mathematician Freeman Dyson, Professor Emeritus at the Institute for Advanced Study in Princeton, New Jersey, perhaps nothing more fully captures his personality than "optimist." Dyson has received 17 honorary doctorates bestowed by Oxford, Dartmouth, Princeton, Yeshiva and other universities. Dyson has staked out his positions in several lecture series and books that followed, including his Gifford Lectures at Aberdeen, Scotland in 1985 (which led to his book, Infinite in All Directions), the Danz Lectures at the University of Washington in 1988 (published as From Eros to Gaia), lectures at Hebrew University in Jerusalem in 1995 (which became Imagined Worlds), and in 1997 at the New York Public Library (source of the book, The Sun, the Genome and the Internet).
Professor Ian Graeme Barbour (1999)
Professor Ian Barbour is one of the world pioneers in the integration of science and religion. His books and articles are helping to expand the field of theology not only for Christians but also for other faiths. A physicist and former chair of the religion department, Dr. Barbour is Winifred and Atherton Bean Professor Emeritus of Science, Technology and Society at Carleton College in Northfield, Minnesota. Professor Barbour is the author of many books, including Religion in An Age of Science, Science and Religion, Issues in Science and Religion, and Christianity and the Scientist.
Sir Sigmund Sternberg (1998)
Sir Sigmund Sternberg, a Hungarian-born British philanthropist and businessman, has consistently encouraged interfaith dialogue for decades. His behind-the-scenes diplomacy played a critical role in relocating a Catholic convent at Auschwitz in the 1980s. He also has been influential in organizing the first-ever papal visit to a synagogue, negotiating the Vatican's recognition of the state of Israel, and opening Vatican war-time files relating to Nazis and Jews. His leadership in promoting better relations between Muslims, Jews, and Christians continue to bring about extraordinary breakthroughs in interfaith dialogue.
Pandurang Shastri Athavale (1997)
In 1954 in the villages around Bombay, nineteen of Athavale's most dedicated co-workers, primarily professionals, began bhaktiferi -- devotional visits to the villages to spread the message of love for God and others. Through bhaktiferi, Athavale and his co-workers developed the practice of swadhyaya, a form of self-study that inspires each individual to recognize an inner God, cultivate an increased self-respect, and abandon immoral behavior. By believing that God also dwells within others, those who pursue self-study can develop a loving relationship with all persons, resulting in a reduction of crime, the removal of social barriers, and an alleviation of poverty, hunger and homelessness.
William R. "Bill" Bright (1996)
In 1951, Bill Bright sold his specialty-foods business and began a person-to-person sharing of New Testament scripture on the campus of the University of California at Los Angeles, calling his movement Campus Crusade for Christ. Beginning with a small cadre of converts, Bright led the organization through enormous growth to become a colossal set of ministries that reach around the globe. Campus Crusade for Christ International currently serves more than 650 university campuses in the United States and 470 overseas. His efforts near the end of his life included calling for worldwide spiritual revival through prayer and fasting.
Professor Paul Davies (1995)
Paul Davies is one of the world's most brilliant scientists. He works at the forefront of research in fundamental physics and cosmology and has sought out those areas of scientific inquiry that made outstanding contributions to quantum physics and cosmology and has gone on to examine the philosophical and theological implications. As a result, he has initiated a new dialogue between science and religion that is having worldwide repercussions. Among his many books are The Mind of God, God and the New Physics, Other Worlds and The Cosmic Blueprint.