Title: Still
olfactoryeyes Characters/Pairings: Remus Lupin, Sirius Black, Remus/Sirius (everything is implied)
Rating/Warnings: G/PG, (this is weird)
Notes: This began as a poem for a poetry contest about two months but didn't work. It's short and strange, but I sort of like it.
Word Count: 185
Sticky stars a-glow )
Comments 2
It retains faint traces of its poetic origin without actually being a poem. I really like the structure and the way you've captured the moment. I can see them, see the light falling on them, the familiar intimacy of it all.
They luxuriate in nothing, flourish in stillness, prosper in whispers
For some reason I really, REALLY like that last sentence.
Nicely done. :)
And, yay, because I was sort of really excited about the final sentence in a really dorky way.
Thanks for reading!
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