Вот соль именно в том, что русскоязычность по этой теории - менее важный фактор, важен именно размер города. Нью-Йорк, похоже, действительно по средней обгоняет Москву :)
“What the numbers clearly show, and what she was clever enough to anticipate, is that when people come together they become much more productive per capita. They exchange more ideas and generate more innovations. What’s truly amazing is how predictable this is. It happens automatically, in city after city.” According to the equations of West and Bettencourt, every socioeconomic variable that can be measured in cities- from the production of patents to per capita income- scales to an exponent of approximately 1.15. What’s interesting here is the size of the exponent, which is greater than 1. This means that a person living in a metropolis of one million should generate, on average, about 15 percent more patents and make 15 percent more money than a person living in a city of five hundred thousand. (The one living in the bigger city should also have 15 percent more restaurants in his neighborhood and create 15 percent more trademarks.) The correlations remain the same even when the numbers are adjusted for levels of education, work
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Comments 12
Вот Хайфа и Тель Авив должны тут статистику попортить
почему среднее по командам а не общая сумма рейтинга завесть должна от размера города?
а где Токио Мехико-Сити Каир и прочий Китай
И они должны быть намного выше в списке.
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