TEN Random Things About Me
10. I am double jointed
09. I learned to walk like walking "tip toe" and did so until i was 14 and trained myself out of it.
08. I have a wandering right eye (aka strabismus)
07. I bit my nails pretty much my whole life. I've only quit within the last year.
06. I am what I call a "catholic conscientious objector"
05. My favourite thing in the world is when the sun comes out after it rains and everything is sparkly and smells wonderful.
04. I really enjoy light bdsm in sex (i.e. blindfolding, tying up, biting, scratching, hairpulling, etc.)
03. I hate socks. My feet are cold right now, but i refuse to put on some socks bc it's July and I shouldn't be so cold.
02. I have a birthmark on my left leg that looks like the British Isles
01. The oldest dude I've ever kissed on the mouth is 35 and gay. (try *that* for random!)
NINE Places I've visted/lived
09. Rome, Italy
08. Edinburgh, Scotland
07. York, England
06. London, England
05. Boston, MA
04. Philadelphia, PA
03. New York City, NY
02. Middletown, CT
01. Trenton, NJ
EIGHT Things I Want to Do Before I Die
08. Own my own house
07. Own my own steinway (grand piano)
06. Be a really cool old lady
05. Travel to Asia
04. Go skydiving
03. Be recognized worldwide for my music
02. Be happily married
01. Have children
SEVEN Ways to Win My Heart
07. Spends time with me
06. Are able to have long conversations that last hours
05. Likes to make me laugh and smile
04. Thinks I'm beautiful and isn't too scared to tell me so
03. Will listen to the things I have to sayand trust my advice
02. Respects me
01. Loves me.
SIX Things I Believe In
06. Fate
05. Miracles
04. Karma
03. Myself
02. Love
01. God
FIVE Things I'm Afraid Of
05. Spiderwebs
04. Molesters / Rapists
03. Bugs
02. Clowns / Mimes
01. Being alone
FOUR Of My Favorite Items In My Bedroom
04. Picture frames
03. Ipod w/ Speakers
02. Computer
01. Keyboard
THREE Things I Do Every Day
03. Check my email
02. Listen to Music
01. Eat food
TWO Things I'm trying not to do right now
02. finish packing (haha)
01. think about that particular thing that has been bothering me all day
ONE Person I Want to See Right Now
01. My mom