One-line drabble thingies. Written as a challenge, uploaded 'cause asked.
Fandom: Eyeshield 21, occasionally cross-overed with Hunter X Hunter, Weiß Kreuz, Death Note and Harry Potter. All standard disclaimers apply.
Warnings: Abuse of tongue. Tasteless humour. Inappropriate use of trees.
1. Hiruma had never felt any doubt he could gather the team that could go to Christmas Bowl, for the simple reason that he hadn't been able to afford to feel any doubt, but still, at times, when he looks and sees Sena practicing, he can't help but feel a sort of relief.
2. Rui had for a long time gotten used to the fact that most people were intimidated by his almost inhuman tongue, so when Sena stepped on it while running past him, it was a rather painful reminder that "most" was not "all".
3. After one very ill-advised encounter, Hiruma objected to the use of Nen, Gon objected to Hiruma's teeth, Hisoka objected to the fact that Hiruma had shot holes in his favourite pillow, and Sena swore to make sure he'd never get tangled in something like this again.
4. Akabe was annoyed to discover Kakei actually had a "Eyeshield 21s I've Screwed" list, but somehow the fact that Sena's name was already on it was even more annoying.
5. The most embarrassing hospital visit Taki Natsuhiko ever made in America involved splinters, the scratches his sister's rollerblades made on his back, and a rather difficult to translate if amused explanation that in that particular context "wood" meant something else.
6. After all this time, the teammates watching Taki and Cerberus's interaction still aren't quite sure which one of them is humping which.
7. In the end, Rui had to grudgingly concede that while his tongue was bigger, Taki did indeed use his better.
8. Perhaps Taki lacks the instinct of self-preservation, or maybe he's just too dumb to be afraid, but there are times when even Hiruma appreciates not being feared.
9. At first Taki's liveliness had been very refreshing, but after a few days Raito started to wonder if being like that wasn't a crime somewhere.
10. In hindsight, Hiruma thought, that had been the wrong piece of paper to write Yagami Raito's name and phone number on, but at least the death god was pretty cool.
11. Hiruma's teeth look sharper than they are, though they are still sharp enough to nearly draw blood when he bites, but that doesn't matter since Farfarello feels but doesn't hurt, a state so many strive towards without knowing the cost.
12. Shin had no idea how priviledged he was to see the boy's face or to know to call him Ryuuzaki, or that after a short time he would never see him again; all he knew was that he had had an impressive form during a tennis match.
13. In Sirius's defense, Cerberus was a rather unusual dog, so the fact that he didn't realize it was not, in fact, a fellow animagus until afterwards could probably be excused.
14. While being blackmailed about that nearly mercifully forgotten affair with Hagrid he had had when he was still Tom Riddle was annoying enough, what Voldemort really wanted to know was how the sharp-eared bastard had gotten those pictures when he hadn't even been born back then.
15. After a particularly vicious argument with Hiruma about which was the better sport, Quidditch or American Football, Harry was pleased to note that Dispelliarmus did indeed work on guns.