I didnt choose to over react! You're the one over reacting - do you think that what I write will affect your life? Coz that's what it seemed like. Katie's problems worriy me - and if you bothered to read my lj ENTRY it says that i was really worried for her. What does it matter if it's posted on the net under -friends-? only you, her and tarra and Kate can read it so whats your problem? You told me to get an LJ so i did...and now you're telling me that i cant write stuff in it...you're such a hypocrite and theres one thing i hate and thats hypocrites.
Tash I can't prove this now unfortunately but that post was on public! not friends only! Besides it wasn't Kate's or Tarra's business either (not meant rudely but it really wasn't (and you prob don't know what we're talking about but that's a good thing), you should have asked Katie before doing it. You were angry, and rightfully so when Marija told people about Katie's problems, now you've done it!... I hate this!... I hope... I really do... that we can get back to how we were and be friends again... so...yeah.... :S.... I'm sorry, so sorry, for hurting you but you hurt me and Katie because we felt betrayed. I know you didn't see it that way but that's how we saw it... Arg! I hate this so much!!! I know your a nice person, I KNOW that!!! ...ok that's enough...
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