The room was dark and quiet again, and almost, but not quite, empty. Kid sat there in the darkness, his single eye set on top of the desk, looking straight up. He sometimes imagined that he was sitting on the desk, stepping down from it, walking around the room, examining the old and dusty gadgets that he and Toichi had made all those years ago. But in the end, the truth was that he was stuck in one place on a desk in a dark room with no one to talk to him. This was the first time in the month since Kaito had found him that he had been left alone for this long. A week was nothing compared to eight years, but it was still a while to sit in the dark by oneself.
Kid was bored. Not terribly, excruciatingly bored, but he still felt that there was an awful lot that he was missing out on. He should have been used to it, but he wasn’t. The darkness didn’t bother him and the silence was comforting, but he couldn’t stand being by himself, with nothing but his own belief in his existence to prove that there even was a Kaitou Kid. At times like this, his thoughts always slipped back to Toichi, and more recently, to Kaito, in a strange mix of worry jealousy, resentment, patience, impatience, and resignation. One could cover a lot of ground emotionally when one had days on end to think about things.
He supposed it all came down to one thing. He missed Kaito; missed having someone to talk to.
So when the door swung open and the lights flickered on, Kid was understandably relieved. Out of the corner of the monocle, he saw Kaito enter the room and make a beeline for Kid and his costume. Finally, freedom. And maybe a heist too. Would Kaito have planned a heist without him? Toichi had certainly done it all the time, but Toichi had known a lot more about thieving, and even then he had still gotten plenty of stupid ideas about what gems and museums to target.
Getting lifted up and held when one was a spirit (or whatever Kid was - he certainly didn’t know) possessing the charm at the end of a monocle was the equivalent of being offered a hand and pulled to one’s feet. It was a friendly, companionable gesture, both simple and supportive.
The time, getting picked up was like being hit by a steel wall. Kid felt the shock recoil through him. This wasn’t Kaito. This wasn’t even human. It looked like Kaito, it knew about Kid’s room, but it wasn’t him. This was something cold and harsh and alien and it had just picked Kid up by the monocle and was examining him with eyes that were too sharp.
Who are you? he demanded.
The thing made a strange sort of whirring sound at him.
“I am Ku-ro-ba Ka-i-to,” it said, spacing the syllables strangely. It beeped.
Kid could have laughed if the situation wasn’t so damn serious. He was talking with a robot.
What the hell was a robot doing in here?
Ah hah. I am apparently ending this here, because you good MK fans should have already read the Robo-Kaito arc, and so you know what happens anyway. Next Chasing Phantoms post will be an actual chapter. And there will be plot, I promise! *runs like hell*