Jun 06, 2004 09:53
congratulations Mr. & Mrs. Kent Buchanan
Seriously though, party at my house.
May 25, 2004 09:15
"Normal is what people are until you get to know them, everybody's crazy!"
-Micheal Bolton in his heavy metal rock video before he went easy listening... Thank you Bevis and Butthead!
So, I miss everyone.
Please call.
May 25, 2004 09:15
"Normal is what people are until you get to know them, everybody's crazy!"
-Micheal Bolton in his heavy metal rock video before he went easy listening... Thank you Bevis and Butthead!
So, I miss everyone.
Please call.
May 13, 2004 21:09
"There are a million people out there, but in the end it all comes down to one."
To the only one for me
te quero
Apr 26, 2004 12:14
Sometimes, Goliath beats the shit out of David...
But no one ever bothers to tell that story.
Apr 26, 2004 12:13
Post a memory of me in the comments. It can be anything you want. Then, of course, post this to your journal and see what people remember of you.
Mar 19, 2004 13:48
Damn it! My new nose ring that I loooooooved fell out. It will only cost 15 dollars to repeirce, but I have to wait a month. Not to mention it hurt like a bitch. I am so bummed. I was looking forward to going back to school and being the shit. :-( Well, 29 and counting and then I'm back to the shop. I don't care that it hurts. I loved it. I want it