I have so much to do and am greatly anticipating life after graduation. I want to be a real person again; being in school for years&years&years&years&years&years in a row has made me feel like I've lost something of myself. Or maybe it has nothing to do with school and everything to do with me. It is so hard to know sometimes.
I listened to this earlier today while eating breakfast. On Point is always incredible, but this particular episode about reading and writing had me completely enthralled. This is why Tom Ashbrook is kindof my hero.
She is a palpable presence. I see so much of myself in her -- I don't want to. I resent the thought that she could be like me, or me like her. She is always in my mind.
Our red lips match.
I want something from her. I don't yet know what that could be.
"I'm going to have to be alone with her at some point. There are some things we need to talk about, some questions I need answered. Like why she keeps sending me love letters from Latvia."
I became suddenly aware of the snow. "...I've been wondering about that myself."