We got a free toddler bed from a friend of
crunchymama, and Abby started sleeping on it in our bedroom Friday night. She has been sleeping with my DH in the spare bedroom since the second trimester of my last pregnancy, but the allure of a "big girl bed" (she is so into being a big girl she corrects me if I call her a little one) and being able to pick out some sheets and a blanket for it was enough to get her to try it. She has a fever/cough thing we picked up on our last visit to Memphis, so I'm surprised at how well she's been sleeping in it! She got into the big bed with us (correction: me, since my DH had insomnia) at around 3 am last night. Here's hoping she will sleep through the night soon!
When she's mad at me or DH she tells us "I am not yours!".
When she gets something she really wants or is surprised with something she really likes she is apt to chuckle happily in a way that is indescribably cute.
She has the two-year-old need for almost every verbal offering to be acknowledged. This drives me crazy as she will of course do the broken record routine until you answer her.
She is interested in anything James likes, so lately she has been memorizing facts about the solar system. "Jupiter has an icy moon. Jupiter is a gas giant!"