My Week: Olivia Williams on a crude awakening
By Olivia Williams
12:15PM BST 20 Aug 2013
In her monthly column, Olivia Williams wakes up to the inexorable disaster of fracking.
I was waiting in a bare hospital room in Toronto. The bed and medical paraphernalia had been replaced with movie paraphernalia - a couple of director’s chairs, some miscellaneous lighting equipment and a plate of flaccid doughnuts. With an unspecified period to wait before my scene, I had the choice of either chatting to the older gentleman sitting by the window reading a book, or scrolling around on my iPad as if I was looking for something so important I mustn’t be disturbed by idle talk. The older gentleman was chaperoning the actor playing my son - all under-16s require a full-time chaperone with them on set. This can be a professional or a relative, and it is quite often, in my experience, a grandfather. Ten years ago, when I turned up in Western Australia for a bonding evening around a campfire for the cast of Peter Pan, I was surprised to find the Honourable Sir Oliver Popplewell roasting baked beans in a tin can while chaperoning his grandson Freddie, who was playing Michael Darling.
Back in Toronto, the Older Gentleman answered my conversation-starter in a broad Brummie accent, quite unlike that of his grandson, who had a Californian drawl ideal for our movie. I asked him what brought him to Canada - he’d been an engineer in the oil business. My green Alert Button flashed and I asked a couple of gentle openers about the environmentally disastrous oil sands extraction in Alberta. He was good enough to confess that had been his precise expertise.
When I mentioned that his advice might be needed back in the Old Country, where there were plans to start fracking a couple of hours up the M6 from his home town, he went pale, and cited extraordinary earthquakes that had occurred in Canada and the US associated with fracking and its wastewater disposal. He thought I was joking when I assured him that Lancashire and Sussex had been chosen as the perfect conditions for this unpredictable and destructive extraction technique. He clearly had no problem with the principles of oil and natural gas extraction, but to see his reaction to it happening in the UK turned my Alert Button red. I was left with the same bleak feeling of powerlessness I had some years ago when I watched a group of helpful young men push a broken-down car - the owner was pushing too, and attempting to steer through the open driver’s door. The car started to coast down a gentle slope, the owner couldn’t keep up with the car, and everyone just stood and watched it glide across the Finchley Road and into a shop front.