Hey guys, I'm trying to raise some money to pay off some bills....so I've put it on Amazon. Here's the list of stuff.Note: Bruce Almighty has already sold, I don't know why it's still on there, plus there are some things I listed today, such as a Michael Landon Tribute on VHS, The Essential Calvin and Hobbes collection, and Elfquest collection #1.
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I was inspired by a friend today....it's time to do a trimming on the Friends List. It will happen during the day today. It's nothing personal if you got cut; there's no one on my friends list that I hate. I just feel a bit overwhelmed with it sometimes, and if I don't read you much (meaning I find myself skimming), or if you're mainly political (
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Well, since both of my babies are sick, they're both going to the doctor's tomorrow. Kelsey has a croupy cough, so he's going in at 8:45, and Ollie has suddenly turned to skin and bones (very rapid weight loss), so he's going in when we're done with Kelsey
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Hey idiot!! Yeah you....I know the allergy medicine you're taking is making you sleep all damned day, but uh, genius? If you're going to make that savory garlic toast you love?
Much with the tired. Chest has been tight and itchy for two days. I'm hoping it's not another serious lung infection/sinus infection/allergies that put me in the hospital every fall/winter for two months. It's painful when I cough, and wheezy sounding. If I speak for too long, it sets off a coughing episode that leaves me gasping in pain. Lortab,
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