I'm not kidding here. This isn't a vague plot kind of spoiler. This is something you DO NOT want to know before you watch. If you haven't, please come back after you've seen up to DAY FOUR.
I am breaking my heart here. I'm so serious. Ok I've not posted anything about Children of Earth so far (I don't use LJ as much as I used to, give me a break), so I should probably do some kind of review thing before I get carried away with denial, anger, bargaining, depression &acceptance.
DAY ONE. I was so excited for Torchwood to be back, it was unbelievable. It kicked off with me liking Gwen (I'm not one of those people that hates her, honestly, it's kind of a love-hate thing really) &I thought something along the lines of oh well, it'll all be ok then. I wondered if I could deal with seeing Torchwood minus Owen and Tosh because they were such amazing characters and I presumed there'd be something missing, some kind of dynamic? But it seemed pretty good, actually. Of course, that might have just been because everything started happening at once and there was no time to notice. Obviously there have been points all along that have made me say things starting with "Psssshh, Tosh could have..." or "Yeah, like Owen would..." but I think they were doing pretty well, considering. I quite liked Rupesh, how stupid did I feel at the end? I got all excited thinking about them replacing Owen... not in that way! I mean, you know, if they were using Rupesh as a replacement then it would be good because he would have been so different to Owen. I hate when TV shows replace characters with people that are similar. Yeah, I fell for it >_<
Everyone seems to be complaining about the Jack/Ianto relationship arguments thingbut nah, I quite liked it. I liked it because you know what? That's what couples do. Especially when other people start talking about you in ways that you haven't really thought about yourself, yet. I think it made sense and came across well.
YES, I'd (completely unintentionally) read a spoiler and found out that Jack had a daughter. Since I hadn't found out anything else, I was quite interested to see her. I thought it was good to see Jack's willingness to keep his distance, even though he asks for more. I loved that she KNEW why he was there, though.
This episode made me fall in love with Rhiannon, I wish she'd been in it earlier. Ianto leaving the keys in the SUV? I mean come ON. He nearly got eaten because of that, last time.
That bomb was unfair to Ianto, laa. I mean, him having to stand on that lift? That FUCKING lift... you know, the one from which he saw his half-metal girlfriend get eaten by a prehistoric creature? Yyyyyeah, that's nice.
DAY TWO. Gwen beating those fake paramedics with a fire extinguisher? Damn, I knew that girl was pretty tough but I didn't think she had it in her.
Seeing Jack coming back damn near broke my heart. It deffo broke Ianto's. The look on his face when they go through the rubble @ the Hub... then again when they're pouring the cement in. GDL, you killed me with that look. However, JCB!Ianto was just about the most amazing thing ever. Mostly because he took the appropriate safety measures and wore appropriate clothing. Of course.
Lois really impressed me in this episode. I hadn't expected her to be very good - I could see her being significant, I just thought that I wouldn't like her much. Or even worse, I'd just fail to form an opinion on her. I'm a very opinionated person, me not having opinions on things/people is VERY bad. But I like her. I really, REALLY like her.
DAY THREE. Torchwood becoming criminals was a really cool move. SOMEONE'S been watching The Real Hustle. Ianto getting Jack a coat was a serious act of love, I'm telling you. The thing is, I love military jackets/coats and stuff and I KNOW those things are expensive (I know, I know, I'm rolling with Jack's fictional coat being real, ok) and if you're strapped for cash like they're meant to be, there are more important things to spend your money on. I'm also so glad that he got coffee, though.
Rhys! I love you Rhys. That's all that really needs to be said, there.
My love for Lois is reinforced by her using the contact lenses. I like that she had to THINK about it, though. I think it means more, that way. If she'd have just done it I don't think that I would have liked her as much.
The whole "Jack was there" revelation shouldn't really be such a big thing. Of course he would have had to have some idea about this. He was definitely around then &if it was such a big thing with the government and everything then it's fairly obvious he would have at least HEARD about it at some point. His direct involvement was a bit 0.o for a minute, there, but since we've all been through the "Jack has a shady past" thing a million times, is it really that surprising?
DAY FOUR. I loved this when it started. I really did. It made sense of Jack's involvement and then really got into the whole issue of the 456 wanting children. The board meeting was amazing. I think that's probably the conversation that would actually happen. I love that Denise seems to be like "YOU'RE SERIOUSLY LETTING THEM TAKE THE CHILDREN?" but is actually saying "You want to let them take MY FAMILY?" I'd like to think - and I guess I'm channeling the Doctor and his limitless faith on this one but still - that there would be more objection, more caring. I'd like to think that more questions would be asked and more options considered but at the end of the day it's probably quite accurate. Send the rough kids, the common ones, the thick ones. Nobody NEEDS them. Oh yeah, that's prefectly fine. I'd like to point out I went to a rough school, so it really got my back up. I'd rather you sent the posh kids, actually.
But then again, I'd rather you took ALL the kids than Ianto. Perfect, brilliant Ianto. Ianto who, quite frankly, has been BULLIED by the Torchwood writers right the way through this. And now this. I was angry when I first saw it but now all of that's gone and I just - *sigh* idk. I'm not sure how I feel about this. I've always loved Torchwood more than Who and then Tosh and Owen died and it was SO sad, but I thought it'd be ok. But if Ianto's death is permanent (and I'm keeping my fingers crossed, but presuming it IS), it's really not ok. If Torchwood continues it's going to be ridiculous... but if it DOESN'T? If it doesn't then I'll be even more annoyed because that means it didn't need to happen. Like, if there's no PLAN for another Torchwod then why kill him off? Why does it matter if we're not going to see him again anyway? It'd be fucking stupid, frankly.
I'm watching Day Four again right now on BBC3 and it's sadder in hindsight. You know, like watching Tosh and Owen's failed flirting/date plans was heartbreaking after you knew they never made it? Watching Jack cling to Ianto so much when he comes back, watching Ianto ask Jack to open up to him... it's a killer knowing what's going to happen later on.
DAY FIVE... Leak the videos, Rhys. And Jack? You have permission to come over all evil and shoot anything in sight, that's ok. I'm not excited for Day Five. But I have to watch it to see what happens, and I'll reserve all my judgements till then. Later, guys. That scene is approaching again and I'm ready to cry my eyes out.