Other things...

Mar 08, 2006 15:51

I realized I've been posting a lot about this whole house thing and not so much about other important things in my life- like the most important thing in my life, who is sleeping right now, so I have a chance to post!

Caleb is developing so quickly! He is learning to communicate- he learned the sign for "more" this weekend- though he just claps his hands and he has learned to point (a single finger). He tries to eat with a spoon, but doesn't always do a great job and he can stack his duplo blocks.

He also really wants to play with the other kids, but he's been having some trouble because his definition of "play" is to attack them with a toy or to try to pull them around the room or to grab their hair and pull or to give them big wet slobbery kisses. Part of it is that he is so big and not yet coordinated enough for better interaction. He has apparently been getting better at daycare. The teachers can usually just say, "Caleb, gentle" when he tries to attack another child with a toy and he is starting to get the message. I have been really careful lately not to let him pull my hair or hit me (even though neither of them really hurts), so that he gets the right message. I think he is going through an exploratory phase and the sooner he learns that certain behavior is not okay the better.

He's been really cute lately. We brought home a box from Costco and he loves to sit in it, climb in and out and rock back and forth. He has learned that when we sit him in his chair, we are going to put his shoes on and go outside. He has also learned that when I come to the daycare it is time to put his coat on and go home. Today as soon as I walked in he started signing "milk" furiously and pointing to his coat. As soon as we got home I put him down for a nap and not a moment too soon.

Andy is home! Gotta go!
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