Andy just told me I could have some
time to myself. Caleb is so exhausted and so sick he fell asleep on Andy with no nursing. I really think he is going to self-wean given a little more time. I didn't realize how badly I needed some time for me. I'm ready to cry. It is hard when the baby is sick and both of the parents are a little sick and neither wants to deal with anything- hence pasta (noodles+Newmans sauce) for dinner last night and frozen pizza for dinner tonight. Caleb being sick also means I missed one class today- My sister didn't have lab this afternoon, being that it is the first week of classes, so she came over for a few hours (my savior!) and I was able to go to MedChem which is good because it sucks starting the term off behind.*
The problem is... Caleb has been sick for at least a week now and instead of getting better he has gotten worse. He has a runny nose and a fever (between 100-104.5 since Thursday night) and threw up Saturday and some Sunday and now has lots of gas that hurts him. I think I'll make an appointment to take him in tomorrow. I probably should have taken him in today, but there is not a lot the doctor can do for him. I've listened to his lungs- they sound good. I've listened to his heart- it's fast but good. He hasn't been pulling on his ears or making any indication that they hurt. The only thing that seems to bug him is his gut, but I think that may just be from all the mucus he has been swallowing.
I can hear Caleb coughing. Poor kid.
*I had this crazy dream last night that I just left Caleb at home and went to classes. I felt very guilty, but also very free. It was like when I was depressed and doing something irresponsible. It was a very scary dream. I was really glad when I woke up.