Exa-fuckin'-lent. Got my new shipment of chemicals ta fuck with. Gonna make some goooood acid from this shit.
Too bad Mannie's off the stuff again. I mean fuck, why can't he be doin' drugs? Th'fucker's got a mind of his own, if he wants ta fuck it up, then why the fuck can't he? Shit, be you're own fuckin' person, and do it if ya wanna. N'shit.
This fucker dun' seem so bad, n'shit. Even tho' he did try t'kill a buncha my relatives back w' that whole kinslayin' shit in Alqualonde. Meh, fuck it. Yo, Celegorm! Want a joint?
Well fuck me. Some 'a the shit I tried to make las' week didn't, ah, turn out quite fuckin' right... an' um, I think I need some cesium. Anyone got some 'a that shit?
Fuckin' A. Got Manwe back into th' shit, he's bringing over what's left 'a his stash in Valinor. I hear he's got some great shit.
Mannie, ge' me some 'a that acid, if ya will.
Fuckin' Arr, Elwing and I had a fuckin' farce of a good time piratin' and shit. We stopped some boats headin' over to the Havens, go' m'self a new watch. Hahaha!