Hehehe... well it doesn't exactly look like that, har har! But it's a little shred of serenity that is that picture. I love the linen etc. It cost me a fuckin tonne of money, but I fugured that if I spend most of my home time on my bed anyway, why not make it visually enjoyable. It's actually horrible to think that I am only at home and awake only 4 1/2 hours a day.
MSN is one evil thing!! Especially if you are not completely in your right mind. Two bottles of beer, and 1:30am do not mix! Or at least should never be mixed together. Oh and you can add co-workers into that strange concoction. Nothing too terrible or embarrassing, maybe a word or two, but at least you get hints! Har Har! (I should go and join a pirate gang as of today.)