Hello and greetings from Johnny's Beautifully Lovely and Intelligent Rings Assistant! I swear, I'll get rid of this ego eventually, although it might take a while. I rather like being in a position of power. Oh yes, be afraid. Be very afraid.
So anyway, here's the deal. We're going to try and run this Rings just like it has been run in previous years. Thus, as has been done before, I am going to present you with a list of last year's Rings categories. Go ahead and take a look at them, and then feel free to suggest any additional categories that you think might be warranted. Also, if there are any categories you would like to see taken out, please comment with that as well. An explanation would be nice, just to know where you are coming from, but it is not necessary.
So, without further ado:
Who was the athlete of the year?
Who was the skater of the year? (amateur)
Who was the skater of the year? (professional)
Who was the skating team of the year? (amateur - open to any ice dance
or pairs teams)
Who was the skating team of the year? (professional - open to any ice
dance or pairs teams)
Who was the hockey player of the year? (male)
Who was the hockey player of the year? (female)
Who was the baseball player of the year?
Who is your favorite non-athlete? (Open to any non-athlete members of
What was the skating performance of the year? (amateur, when and where?)
What was the skating performance of the year? (professional, when and
What was the hockey game of the year? (who and where?)
What was the baseball game of the year? (who and where?)
Who is the funniest athlete?
Who is the best newbie? (less than 8 months on LJ)
Who is the best old-timer? (more than 8 months on LJ)
Who is the most welcoming?
Who is the most cryptic?
Who is the most emo? (emotional)
Who is the best writer?
Who has the best journal? (overall)
Who has the best journal? (skater)
Who has the best journal? (hockey)
Who has the best journal? (baseball)
Who makes the best layouts?
Who makes the best icons?
Who is the best commenter?
Who are the best heterosexual couple?
Who are the best same sex couple?
Who is the best looking female athlete?
Who is the best looking male athlete?
Who has the best hair? (female)
Who has the best hair? (male)
Who is the best dressed? (female)
Who is the best dressed? (male)
Who is the biggest flirt? (female)
Who is the biggest flirt? (male)
Who is the most likely to post TMI? (Too much information.)
Who is most likely to post sap?
Who is most dedicated? (to their journal)
Who has the best chatting skills?
Who is the best listener?
Who is the most opinionated? - Johnny and I have decided to remove this category because we believe it is somewhat rude and we are going for minimal drama this year. Plus, everyone is a little bit opinionated in their own way! :)
Who is the most ghetto?
Who is the biggest drama Queen?
Who is the biggest drama King?
Who is the most patriotic?
Who has written the best overall entry? (Who wrote it, and please
provide a link - if a friends only journal is nominated you must unlock
the post for the duration of voting.)
Who has the best comeback story?
Who are the best, best friends? (Which two people are the best of
friends in the OV?)
Who is the biggest insomniac?
Who are you? (for the little known people in the community)
What was the sports highlight of the year (Must pertain to an
individual/team that is represented in this community.)
What was the sports heartbreak of the year (Must pertain to an
individual/team that is represented in this community.)
Who has changed the most since they've started their LJ?
Who has changed the least since they've started their LJ?
Who is the best other athlete? (open to athletes of any sports other
than skating, baseball, and hockey)
Who has the best journal? (other athlete journal [open to athletes of
any sports other than skating, baseball, and hockey])
Which best other athlete had the performance of the year? (open to
athletes of any sports other than , baseball, and hockey)
Who should just shut up and do it already?
What was the best drama of the year?
Who should get the lifetime achievement award? (This should be awarded
to an outstanding athlete who has accomplished so much during their
Okay then! There's all the categories. Give us your feedback - I, personally, would like to see some new categories. The more the merrier! Be creative! We'll take suggestions up until May 24th.