sweet challah (modified from mm's original recipe)

Mar 22, 2014 23:09

If you don't know how to bread, you should probably check out bread 101 first.

2c flour (1c flr)
1.5c sugar (.75c sugar)
2T yeast (2T yeast)
1t salt (.5t salt)

2c yeast-warm water (1c water)
1c oil (.5c oil)
2 eggs (1 egg)

6-8c flour (3-4c flr)

1 egg yolk + 1T water (egg wash)
sesame or poppy seeds (topping/garnish)

1. Mix dry together.
2. Mix wet together.
3. Mix dry and wet together.
4. Add flour until dough.
5. Knead until bread dough.
6. Rise until doubled, twice (punch down both times).
7. Shape into loaves and preheat oven to 350.
8. Let rise until nearly doubled.
8a (optional). Egg wash and/or sprinkle with poppy or sesame seeds.
9. Bake until loaves begin to brown, then cover with foil. ~20 min.
10. Bake until done. ~15-20 min.

Note: I've been using a different baking method, which is more like:
9. When oven is preheated, put loaves of bread in and turn off oven.
10. Twenty minutes later, turn oven back to 350.
11. Bread is done when golden-brown outside and 180 inside (I use a meat thermometer when/if I check).

bread, source: me, baking, source: mm, recipe, vegetarian, challah, jewish

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