
Feb 16, 2010 10:19

This list is a list of terms and words that War-Rock/Omega-Xis might end up using that will likely be unfamiliar to those who don't play the Ryuusei no Rockman/Megaman Starforce games. I'll do my best to explain things sufficiently.

Also, this actually is copypasta'd from kizunaprotector, another RP account of mine that is actually a crossover between the Ryuusei no Rockman and Yu-Gi-Oh!5D's franchise. As it is, I'll be editing out any references to 5D's, but if I do end up missing one, please forgive my mistake.

Cut because it's grown rather extensive, with both picture and video references. It also contains some spoilers for the games (and maybe the anime), so if you really don't want to look, don't look.

Denpa: Literally, "Radio Waves." In the English game, it's called electromagnetic waves, or EM waves, instead,which is likely what term I'll explain it as.

Wave World: The mass collection of Denpa waves that creates connections between all the technology. It's rather like the Internet. It is invisible to the human eye.

Visualizer: A set of clear goggles the main character (Hoshikawa Subaru/Geo Stelar) often wears on his head. They are a memento of his father, and they give him the ability to see the Wave World.

Viruses: Denpa beings that are created by loose fragments of Denpa. They are usually harmful to the electrical devices around them due to their being near mindless and near animal-like tendencies, which cause them to wreak havoc in the highly technological world.

Transer: Device in the first game that is used to connect with other Denpa devices. It is worn on the arm. War-Rock resides in this device during the first game. It is also used as a communication device through phone calls and mail.

Star Carrier: Device in the second game that replaces the Transer. It is more hi-tech, and allows video phone service, as well as stronger benefits from Brotherbands. If given special "Material Wave" programs, it can make solid objects out of Denpa, such as cars, airboards, and subarines.

Hunter VG: Device in the third game that allows Wizards to appear in the Real World as solid beings. War-Rock is transformed into a Wizard when Subaru's Star Carrier is updated to the Hunter, and now no longer needs to hide. It also allows Denpa-Humans to be visible and solid in the real world.

Battle Cards: Slim, blue cards that are generally used as a tool to delete viruses by inserting them into a device that channels their abilities-usually a Transer/Star Carrier/Hunter VG. War-Rock's special abilites allow him to power up the cards to several times their original strength in order to use them in battle against viruses or stronger Denpa beings.

Denpa-Henkan/EM Wave Change: The fusion process between Subaru and War-Rock, as well as other Denpa/EM beings, such as FM-ians, AM-ians, and  Murians, with other humans. Denpa-Henkan allows humans and Denpa bodies to fuse, becoming a Denpa Human/EM Wave Human, that can travel the Wave World. In the second game, sporadically appearing Visible zones allow people to see the normally invisible Wave World and the Denpa Humans. In the third game, a device called the Hunter allows both the Denpa bodies inside them (Wizards) and Denpa Humans to be visible and solid in the Real World.

Examples of Denpa-Henkans.

image Click to view

This video link leads to a fight sequence between Rockman/Megaman and the Gemini Sparks White and Black showing the abilities of Denpa Humans: ability to travel the Wave World to cross long distances quickly and easily and the ability to phase in between the Real World and the Wave World. Also, every Denpa Human has their own unique abilities. In the video, it's shown that the Geminis have control over electricity, while Rockman/Megaman has the ability to power up Battle Cards.

FM-ian: Beings from the planet FM, where War-Rock fled from. The FM-ians are the primary antagonists of the first game, and make several reappearances as optional bosses in the second and third game.

AM-ian: Beings from the planet AM. The planet had been destroyed by the FM-ians, however, at the end of the first game, the FM-ians and the three Sages of AM agree to work together to rebuild it. War-Rock was originally believed to be an FM-ian, but his ability to turn humans into Denpa waves without Denpa-Henkan reveals him to be an AM-ian survivor.

Murians: Beings from the lost continent of Mu, which was said to have Denpa technology far superior to present-day science. Believed to be a myth, it's soldiers are the primary antagonists for the second game, as their power is abused by someone trying to become God.

Mu: The lost continent of Mu, that destroyed itself due to the "Precursor of Ruin"-where humans bonds between each other weakened, and they fought amongst themselves. It rose into the sky thanks to the "god" of Denpa, Ra Mu/Le Mu-who created Earth's Wave World. It was lost for eternity when the inhabitants turned on each other and destroyed themselves. Only one survivor remains: Solo, the only heir to its technology. Mu sank into the sea after Subaru destroyed Ra Mu in an effort to keep it from crashing Mu into the Earth.

Wizards: Artificial EM beings created in the third game. They exist to help humans with their daily lives, although there is one Wizard created specifically for Denpa-Henkan, Acid, making him and his human partner, Ace,  the only artificial Denpa-Henkan partners.

Noise: Basically, the waste product of using Denpa technology. As it accumulates, it causes Denpa technology to malfunction. War-Rock and Subaru prove to be one of the few that can stand up to excessive amounts of Noise, and soon receive the ability to "finalize" it, and become Black Ace/Red Joker.

Noise Wave: Anothe world created solely with Noise. This world is inhabited by Noise beings that appear as static, as well as powerful viruses.  Entrances to the Noise Wave open in different areas, making the Noise world a shortcut between areas of great distance, one Noise Wave even leading to the distant space and the wave road that leads to Planet FM. However, because the world is pure Noise, it is dangerous for both humans and Wizard beings alike. Only a few beings have been known to survive in the Noise wave apart from its local inhabitants, including Rockman (War-Rock and Subaru's Denpa-henkan), Rogue (Solo's Denpa-Henkan) and King(after absorbing his deleted Wizard's [Joker] abilities).

Crimson: A substance created when Noise gathers in extremely high content and crystallizes together. The substance has a deep red color, hence the name. It has been shown that Crimson can effectively control Noise, ironically making it a possible way to deal with the Noise pollution. However, if Crimson breaks apart, it releases far more Noise than what was used in its crystallization. Crimson has been shown to be created when Wizards are driven out of control and emit more noise than usual-the more powerful the Wizard, the more Noise, and thus the more Crimson it emits.

Brotherbands: Electronic links between two or more people. While not much different from adding someone on Myspace or LiveJournal, it's seen as a strong bond between people's hearts. The strength of the bonds between people is a key concept in all three games.

tl'dr, ooc, terminology

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