app for project_scp

Feb 16, 2010 00:29

Player Name: Gale
Personal LJ: northwind_gale 
Contact Info: AIM: northwindgully email:
Other Characters You Play: none

Character Name: War-Rock (Omega-Xis in the English version)
Canon: Ryuusei no Rockman (Megaman Star Force) video games
Background Information: The wiki is ugly and looks like a ten year old wrote it. Bleah.

War-Rock was an electromagnetic being from Planet AM, a planet occupied with nothing but EM beings like him, which was blown to bits by its neighbor that was occupied with similar beings, Planet FM, when the paranoid King Cepheus was convinced by his manipulative right-hand man, Gemini, that Planet AM's proposal of a friendship/partnership between the two planets was just a front for an invasion. War-Rock fled to Planet FM and enlisted as a warrior there so that he could soon have his revenge on the FM King.

It was then that Earth made the same mistake as Planet AM-it sent a proposal to Planet FM to build a BrotherBand between the two planets-a bond of friendship and an alliance. Cepheus had the space station (aptly named Peace) who had sent the proposal captured, and the occupants put on trial, in which they were sentenced to death for attempting to invade the planet. War-Rock was assigned to be the guard of the humans. One human, Hoshikawa Daigo (Kelvin Stelar), constantly probed and pried into War-Rock's business, asking questions and irritating the revenge-driven alien. When War-Rock managed to steal the key to Cepheus' most powerful weapon, Andromeda, and prepared to flee, he was delayed by Daigo, who requested that War-Rock take him and the rest of the crew with him. War-Rock eventually agreed to turn the crew into electromagnetic beings like him-but warned that he wouldn't help them afterward, that they would be on their own, turning down an invitation to Earth by Daigo. After he had turned the crew, they were interrupted by another FM-ian, and were forced to scatter. War-Rock happened upon a signal that Daigo had sent to his son on Earth, and followed it.

Three years later, War-Rock arrives on Earth and meets Daigo's son, Subaru (Geo), a ten-year old boy who has become antisocial due to the loss of his father and the fear of losing another loved one again. War-Rock convinces the boy to let him stay with him by revealing that he knows the boy's father and promises to tell him about Daigo. Through this promise, War-Rock fuses with Subaru to become Rockman (Megaman), and helps the boy defend Earth. He eventually develops a close friendship with the boy, which soon teaches him about kindness and eliminates his desire for revenge. They work together to defeat the FM-ians who follow him to Earth, as well as the ultimate weapon, Andromeda, and convince Cepheus to complete the BrotherBand and begin to rebuild Planet AM.

War-Rock continued to live and work with Subaru on Earth afterwards, facing down the occupants of an ancient civilization on Earth called Mu as their powers were used by a woman intent on ruling it. Some time later, War-Rock was updated to become a Wizard-an EM lifeform designed to aid and support humans in specific areas-in War-Rock's case, he becomes a Battle Wizard.

Important Physical Qualities: For one thing, he isn't human at all. War-Rock is made completely out of electromagnetic waves, and is normally invisible to the human eye. Originally, he was only visible through special devices like Subaru's Visualizer, a pair of goggles designed by Daigo that allowed the user to see such waves. However, after becoming a Wizard, he is able to become solid and visible to the human eye with the aid of a specific device called a Hunter VG (mentioned under "items".) He appears to be a beast-like creature made of green glowing material, with blue pieces of "armor" serving as his chest and face.'s honestly easier to just look at the picture than describe him.

Important Mental/Spiritual Qualities:   Every electromagnetic being has the ability to phase through solid objects as nothing but EM waves.They can also invade and control devices through their electromagnetic waves (and given that the technology in his world runs on electromagnetic waves, this gives them a great advantage). Specific electromagnetic beings, such as the FM/AM aliens and Murians, can fuse with a human to achieve their full power and be able to increase their fighting capacity. Many electromagnetic beings have powers that are unique to them, such as controlling an element. War-Rock's unique ability is never described in the games, but he does share an ability with the AM-ians to be able to turn living things into lifeforms such as himself, as shown when he turned Daigo and the crew. He seems to be able to direct his powers into other objects to power them up: an example would be Subaru's "Battle Cards", normally just slips of data used by humans to delete viruses. When War-Rock is at full power by fusing with the boy, he can channel his power into the cards, which enables him to turn those into weapons. Outside those cards, it's unknown what the results would be if he channeled his energy into anything else, and thus up for speculation. He can sense other electromagnetic lifeforms and waves, mostly for reconnaissance purposes.

Items: In this case, the item that comes along  with him is his home. It's a device called a Hunter VG, which is a device worn on the wrist of nearly every human in his world. It serves as a communication device (through videophone and email), as well as the ID of the person wearing it. The Hunter also can hold a Wizard-mentioned above as an EM being designed to serve and aid humans in tasks. It can detect Noise: electromagnetic waste which becomes a huge problem in the third game. It can process "Battle Cards" to help combat viruses in various networks. The Hunter belonging to Subaru serves as War-Rock's home, and helps War-Rock materialize himself to be visible to the human eye. It also stores the data for Subaru's "Battle Cards" and thus gives War-Rock access to them (however, if he doesn't fuse with a human, he can't quite use them to his full potential).

Personality: War-Rock has a brash personality, and prefers to tackle a problem head on. He can get angered quite easily, and prefers to resort to violence and fighting to get things done (he's often caught saying that he wants to go "buck wild" on something, indicating his desire to fight). War-Rock also has quite the ego, and responds to anything that remotely hints at an insult with a ready-to-battle attitude. He has a tendency to come off as rude at best, often biting back with insults or sarcasm (or a combination of both) if someone or something annoys him. He has little to no restraint, and it's often up to others to keep him in line if he ends up coming close to crossing it.

However, he hasn't spent his time on Earth unchanged-he's grown to care for others, and will do whatever is possible to protect them-however he never says this directly, the only indication given that he cares about others is when he encourages Subaru in his efforts to protect them, and masks it under his constant desire to fight.

He also seems to have an insatiable curiosity, which may or may not stem from either his position as a visitor on a foreign planet and/or his everlasting desire for adventure. The questions he asks about human ways can make him sound either childlike or ignorant at times. He apparently doesn't get along well with women, as he constantly claims-whether it's because he's trying to feign ignorance to another certain FM-ian's jibes or because of his lack of tact, this trait of his often ends in hilarity.

War-Rock also appears to have a sense of humor-he makes the occasional joke every now and then: he once jokes with Subaru that he can predict who he'll marry in the future and presents Subaru with the picture of a boy simply to mess with him. He also seems to enjoy teasing others that are close to him (and does constantly tease Subaru about his close relationship with two girls).

With his tendency to think more with his fists rather than his head, War-Rock is a character that is prone to be nothing but trouble in the hands of someone he doesn't like (and he certainly won't enjoy being in a foreign place against his will apart from those he cares for).

Sample: Testrun_box post.

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