Xenosaga Notes - Episode I Database

Nov 04, 2009 06:04

Short for "U-DO Retro Virus." Also known as U-Retrovirus.

A biological weapon whose life energy wavelength cancels that of U-DO.

669 units were created by the late Dr. Dmitri Yuriev, head of the Yuriev Institute.

Dr. Yuriev is the genetic father of the U.R.T.V.

BORN: T.C. 4740
AGE: 26 years old

Gaignun Kukai Jr., director of Kukai Foundation.

His hobby is collecting ancient text and literature, as well as ancient (relative to his time period) weapons.

The official records state that he was born in T.C. 4755 and is the adopted son of Gaignun Kukai.

One of the surviving U.R.T.V. units, he is a human specially "created" as an antithesis to U-DO, the living consciousness which jeopardized the Galaxy Federation in the past.

His relationship to Albedo and Gaignun Sr. shall be revealed in further detail, in subsequent episodes.

In Psychology and Alchemy (1944), C.G. Jung refers to rubedo, or "reddening," as one stage in the process of human individuation as symbolized in alchemic terms.

A nickname for U.R.T.V. Unit #666 (Jr.), who unlike the other units, has bright red hair.

Apparently Jr. got his name because he is physically smaller in stature than Gaignun, hence "Gaignun Jr."

BORN: T.C. 4741
AGE: 26 years old

Albedo Piasora

In Psychology and Alchemy (1944), C.G. Jung refers to albedo, or "whitening", as one stage in the process of human individuation as symbolized in alchemic terms.

A nickname for U.R.T.V. Unit #667, in reference to his milky-white hair.

Gaignun Kukai
BORN: T.C. 4741
AGE: 26 years old

The chairman of the Kukai Foundation, a special Foundation based in Miltia (an autonomous member state of the Galaxy Federation).

With black hair and deep green eyes, he shares some semblance to Jr. He has a gentle personality and is well respected both within and outside of the Foundation.

He is listed as the first son and heir to the industrialist Soze Kukai.

U.R.T.V. Unit #669.

A biological weapon whose life energy wavelength cancels that of U-DO. All 669 U.R.T.V. units originated from the same embryonic culture, but were then subjected to an induced mutation to develop their unique gifts. This accounts for the differences in hair or eye color despite their shared embryonic origins.

Jr.'s ability is to control growth (time), while Albedo can regenerate his own body. Gaignun can telepathically communicate with Jr., but uses his voice to hypnotically manipulate people.

"Kukai" was a fictional persona created by the second Miltian government, as a means to pool their special operations funds. Following the Miltian Conflict, and Helmer's rescue of Gaignan and Jr., they took on the Kukai surname to justify and establish the Kukai Foundation.

In Psychology and Alchemy (1944), C.G. Jung refers to nigredo, or "blackening," as the initial stage in the process of human individuation as symbolized in alchemic terms.

The nickname for jet-black haired U.R.T.V. Unit Number 669 (Gaignun).

The assumed name "Gaignun" was taken from a kitten he owned with Rubedo. Gaignun, incidentally, is also the name of King Marsil's horse in the 11th century French epic: Song of Roland.

A specimen of a transformed Gnosis in the Kukai Foundation's possession.

She was named "Betty" for the letter "B" monogrammed onto her personal effects.

Albedo's Mech
The details of this mech are currently unknown. However, judging from its enormous size (over 10m tall), its lack of equipment such as the D.S.S.S., and its ability to destroy Gnosis several kilometers long with one blow, it outclasses the A.G.W.S.

Its primary power source also appears to differ from a standard generator or a transfer-capable generator.

...constantly make sure I watch what I'm thinking
When telepaths converse with their minds, they must maintain a barrier so that subconscious thoughts are not unintentionally divulged to one another.

A 4000m class heavy armor battle cruiser owned by the Kukai Foundation.

It is designed to dock with the Foundation's headquarters, a free orbiting colony. Once docked, it functions as the colony's main propulsion system.

Length: 166m
Weight: 8400t

A Lohengrin class high velocity interstellar cruiser.

Formerly a luxury vessel owned by a criminal organization, it was converted into a cargo ship by Captain Matthews, and used as part of the Kukai Foundation's fleet.

Though not apparent from the outside, Matthews made quite a few modifications, such as the installation of hidden compartments to stow unlicensed weapons. He also upgraded the propulsion system to the latest Logic Drive (logic propulsion device), making it the fastest ship in the galaxy (according to Tony).

The name "Elsa" comes from the heroine of Wagner's opera, (1850).

Jr. and Albedo's powers
The aura surrounding Jr. and Albedo is one of their special abilities, a result of the induced mutation process to which they were subjected to at birth.

Kukai Foundation
A unique foundation whose membership extends to both Matthews and his crew.

Its headquarters is located on a free orbiting space colony.

The Kukai Foundation was a special organization established soon after the end of the Miltian Conflict, and its sole purpose was to subjugate the U-TIC Organization.

Since then, most of its military forces were decommissioned, and the other divisions branched off into independent civilian corporations, thus forming the basis of the foundation's present structure.

The fact that Vector is one of its primary investors explains why the lion's share of the equipment installed onboard the Durandal, is made by Vector.

Miltian Conflict
A war constantly referred to throughout the episode.

The outbreak of hostilities begain 14 years ago and ultimately dragged the entire Federation into it.

The name originated from the fact that the territory of Miltia, where Shion was born, was the site of the most vicious battles.

As for what exactly happened in Miltia at the time, that story will have to wait.

A protrusion at the front of a vessel which breeches the walls of enemy ships.

The Durandal has a holding area for troops at the very tip of its ram, enabling them to engage the enemy immediately after impact.

An enzyme that restores and extends telomeres (the protein complex at the ends of a chromosome).

During the heyday of the Life Recycling Act, many people opted to undergo artificial procedures to enhance physical abilities or to increase brain capacity. This term is used to describe those individuals or their descendants.

Although Allen refers to them as "mutants," these gifted individuals do not exhibit any external differences when compared to ordinary humans.

Current Federation law prohibits any acts of discrimination against such people, yet feelings of hostility still abound in various corners of the galaxy. The Kukai Foundation not only protects these individuals, but also provides them with a means to support themselves.

The entity depicted as a massive shockwave originating from Old Miltia, in the futuristic vision shown to Shion by Nephilim.

Judging from the words of Gaignun, Helmer, and Wilhelm, it is clearly related to the incident which occurred 14 years ago.

Nephilim claims that the wave is a living consciousness, but the truth is yet to be revealed...

!character info, jr

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