1. What is your favorite game of all time?
Majora's Mask, I think.
2. What is your favorite game series/franchise?
When I was younger, the answer would have automatically been "Zelda," but I haven't liked about the past three Zelda games that have come out. Now I'll probably have to say Elder Scrolls.
3. What is your favorite genre of games?
Action RPGs, kinda? I like building a character but I can't stand turn based combat. I also like shooters.
4. What is your least favorite genre of games?
5. Describe (if you’ve had one) a moment that affected you while playing game.
Dishonored has a few that hit me right in the feels, same thing with Sands of Time. The part in the first one where he goes back to the beginning of the game to try to stop everything, and she doesn't even remember him... oof.
6. List five games you’ve beaten all the way through.
1. Valkyrie Profile
2. Sands of Time
3. Dishonored
4. Skyrim
5. Majora's Mask
7. List a few (Or all) games you’ve 100% completed.
I came pretty close on Majora's Mask, but getting all the fairies is a bitch. I think I also came pretty damn close in Link to the Past.
The only two games that I have 100% (or more) beaten were Donkey Kong 64 and, of all things, Spyro the Dragon: Year of the Dragon.
8. What’s a personal achievement you’ve made while playing video games.?
I still think about this one, and I have no idea how I did it, but I managed to figure out a way to get the tempered sword (the best in the game) in Link to the Past several dungeons before I was supposed to be able to. Zelda games are meticulously set up so that you can't do this kind of thing, so it is something I am especially proud of. I was a clever (obsessive) kid.
9. Favorite two player game to play?
Mario Kart or Trine 2. Though with my husband every game is two players because I get to tell him what to do. <3
10. Got a favorite type of day to play games?
All night used to be my forte, but lately just in the evenings.
11. What was the first game you remember playing?
Legend of Zelda for the NES, or else Mario Bros or Duck Hunt.
12. Favorite RPG?
As of late, it's been the Elder Scrolls games. I don't know if I have ever had the patience for RPGs, otherwise; I played a lot of Pokemon as a kid. Also, what is an RPG, really? I had a Zelda strategy guide that called those games Role Playing Games. I was confused for years.
13. Got any toys from a video game?
Lots, if you count the stuffed toys Ken has.
14. Hardest game you’ve ever played?
Fucking Star Tropics. Fuck/Love that game. Or Hate/Love. Sure.
15. What do you think is the longest time you’ve spent on a non-multiplayer game?
I put a ton of time into Monster Hunter Tri, which is kind of a single player game.
16. What consoles have you owned in your lifetime?
NES, SNES, Gameboy pocket, Gameboy Color, N64, Gamecube, Playstation, Playstation 2, DS, DS Lite, Wii, and the best console of all time...
The PC (deal with it.)
17. What game are you currently playing?
Portal 2 with Ken. I am eager to finish it so he can do a high chaos run through of Dishonored. In some ways it's probably the more interesting playthrough..
18. Last game you beat?
19. If you could make a sequel to any game, what would it be?
I have to agree with Ken that I'd love another Pokemon Snap.
20. Ever wait in line for a video game or release of console overnight?
By the time I was able to do such a thing I had stopped caring about games as much.
21. Rank these in order you prefer: Handheld, Console or PC?
PC, Console, Handheld.
22. Has a game ever changed your life?
I dunno, Monster Hunter Tri probably kept me a lot more sane than I would have been when I couldn't find a job for six months. It gave me focus and also some people to hang out with during the day.
23. What is a game you didn’t like but everyone else seemed to love?
Oh, there's lots of these. People like different things. Mass Effect is one that I haven't been able to play just because of how much our roommates played it.
24. What is a game you’ve been wanting to play for a while, but have never gotten around to starting/buying it?
I've been wanting to play Farcry 3 (because open world fuckery) and above all else... I want to start playing shit in VR. Another year for consumer equipment, Jill, just you wait...
25. If you could create a new game, what would you try and make?
A pokemon MMO. Or with the new VR tech that is coming out soon, basically hiking simulators with combat (skyrim?). Yars.
26. Who do you want to see in a Super Smash Brothers game?
I don't care because I don't Smash no mo'. This is kind of a nerd-wank question.
27. Do you usually obsessively look in every nook and cranny or do you tend to just blow through levels to get finish missions and objectives quicker?
I look in nooks and crannies, I just do it more quickly and efficiently than Ken. ;O
28. Favorite multiplayer game?
I would be lying to myself if I said anything besides TF2.
29. You’ve been given a grant of 15 million dollars and the best technology available to make a game, but you have to make an MMO of some kind, what do you make?
See question 25.
30. Is there any series that isn’t currently a video game that you wish was?
Mistborn would make for ridiculously fun combat, and I don't even like combat.
31. What is a game that surprised you, either in a good or bad way?
I don't think I expected such a great, emotional story from Sands of Time.
32. Have you ever cosplayed as something from a video game? If so, what?
Lots of anime stuff, but no games to my recollection.
33. Name five characters you love and reasons why.
1. The Prince - such great narration, and a great character arc to boot. Kind of a Jezal dan Luther, now that I think about it.
2. Krelian - because he's a bad guy with a plan who gets away with it.
3. Lezard - ...again, he's a creepy magnificent bastard who somehow escapes a cataclysm just because he's brilliant.
34. Name five characters you don’t really like and reasons why.
1. Any adorable animal sidekick. Dear god.
35. Name five characters you feel should get their own spin-off.
36. Do you prefer a more realistic game, or a game with fantasy and magic and all that jazz?
If "realistic" means brown colors and bland settings, give me fantasy and magic any day.
37. What controller from over the years is your favorite?
38. Favorite movie based off of a video game?
39. If you could have one prop from a game, what would it be?
40. Name a game you’d love to be sucked into and explore with 100% safety.
41.One game world you’d love to visit even if it was at the risk of your health and safety.
42. You can build a theme park based on a game/series. What do you put in it to make it awesome?
43. Name three games you grew up playing.
44. What was a game you never finished and gave up on and why?
45. What power-up would you want access to? (From any game.)
46. Heartscale: Last game you played while sitting on the toilet?
47. How late have stayed up playing a single game before? (Time you started and time you ended?)
48. What’s your favorite Mario Party? Who do you always play as?
49. Favorite video game related shirt or piece of clothing?
50. Do you normally stick with the suggested names for characters or use your own names?
51. What is the name you normally use when you can name characters?
52. Do you normally use normal names when naming characters? Do you use names of friends and people you know in real life?
53. A game you feel like no one you know remembers/knows about and you’ve tried to get them to play it?
54. Got a favorite Trading Card Game based video game you used to play?
55. One game you wish they’d do a remake/continuation that the last game in the series was over 5 years ago.
56. A game you play when you need to relax?
57. A game you play when you want to vent anger/relieve stress?
58. A game that never fails to make you smile when you play it?
59. Do you usually make characters look like you do in real life, make what you wished you looked like, or make completely different people from yourself?
60. What color hair do you like to have when playing customizable video game characters.
61. Favorite “X-treme” sport game.?
62. Favorite mechanic that has been employed in video game history?
63. Least favorite mechanic in a game you’ve played?
64. When you were little what were you a loyal fanboy or fangirl of: Nintendo or Sega?
65. What game, in your opinion had the best story?
66. Have you ever been let down by the story/ending of a video game?