First of the Year

Jan 07, 2010 02:09

This is how I start off a new year? Oh well. It doesn't look much like this year is any different from the last.

FIRST: If you've been tagged, you must write your answers in your own LJ and replace any question that you dislike with a new, original question.

SECOND: Tag eight sexy people. Don't refuse to do that like a pansy. Unless you really don't want to of course. And if you're not tagged and you want to do it, then do!

Favourite song right now?:
"Tik Tok" by Ke$ha. Strange, I know. Before that, it was "Aitakute Ima" by Misia

Last album you bought/downloaded?:
Downloaded?! Well, I never--!
Aitakute Ima by Misia

Last movie you watched? Did you like it?:
The Princess and the Frog with my best friend. Yess, so adorable~

Three things that are super-annoying at the moment?:
1. My defeatist/generous personality (don't ask, lol)
2. My horrible sense of procrastination
3. The fact that the high will be 28 degrees (Fahrenheit) tomorrow

If you could do anything in the world, what would it be?:
Try again.

What's really scary?:
Wall posts on Facebook (XD)

Name two items nearest to you:
1. Microphone
2. Cell phone

What is your resolution for the New Year?
Keep moving forward without delay

Two things you're excited for this year?:
1. Graduating, only to continue with more school -_-"
2. Moving forward, hopefully

Your favorite ice cream flavor?:
Strawberry, always

Four of your favorite things in the world?:
1. Family
2. Friends
3. Music
4. Food

The most played song on your iTunes?:
I don't use iTunes...

If you could rescue any animal, what would it be and would you keep it?:
Rescue any animal from what? Predatorial death? Nah, let the circle of life do its thing.

Worst movie you've ever seen?:
V for Vendetta or whatever. Couldn't even focus long enough to figure out what it was about

Best way to relax?:
Listen to music (classical is a plus)

Favourite quote/lyric?:
"Oyaji! Kawaii yo!" --the Child
Why? I have no idea. It's different, lol.

Are there any bits of childhood that you miss?:
Being able to play without a care

Spring, Summer, Autumn, Winter?:

Say something that you want to tell someone:
Suki desu...

Tag: Don't feel like it :\


Ten things I wish I could say to ten different people: (don’t use names)
1. You can lean on my shoulder whenever you want.
2. When you move out of your mom's house, then I'll hang out with you. I don't want to come home smelling like cigarettes...
3. Thank you for being such an inspiration. Don't laugh because that was so sappy.
4. Stop being such a loser and come shooting with us!
5. I hope we continue to be best friends for a long, long time.
6. I wish you were here to support me, but then I don't want you to be around because you'll do something that'll make me want to run away.
7. I just want to hang out. I say that, but I have ulterior motives o_O
8. Thanks for everything. Though I can't do anything to help you now, I hope you'll accept my help in the (near) future.
9. Let's meet someday soon. It's been too long.
10. Don't defecate on my clothes anymore. (Sorry, I had to do one that wasn't so serious XD)

Nine secrets about myself:
1. OCD
2. ADD
3. Even though I'm OCD, my room is the WORST MESS EVER
4. Even though I act conceited, I really don't feel like I'm that awesome
5. I'd rather someone else be happy than myself
6. I act like a guy sometimes... (talk, move, burp/fart o_O Unattractive, I know)
7. I have a strange obsession with knee-high socks that have cute, animal designs
8. I have a strange obsession with cute animals in general
9. When it comes to scents, I prefer 1-fruity; 2-fresh; and 3-flowery

Eight ways to win my heart:
1-4. be a person of --
a. Honesty to others and yourself
b. Respect to others and yourself
c. Good ethic
d. Selflessness (though it's good to be selfish sometimes)
5. Have some sort of musical background (be it one year or your whole life)
6. If not that, be a gunslinger :P
7. Have a kind heart (Don't have to be kind ALL the time, but have kind intentions)
8. Be willing to compromise!

Seven things that cross my mind a lot:
1. My future (always in a state of turmoil)
2. Hypothetical situations (always unlikely)
3. "How long do I have until _____?!"
4. What other people are doing at that current time
5. What I want to eat
6. Music music music
7. ...boys? x_X

Six things I do before I fall asleep:
1. Get ready for bed
2. Sit in front of the computer for a couple of hours
3. Fix my bed
4. Pet the cat
5. Wonder about everything all at once
6. Roll over

Five people who mean a lot:
1. My mom
2. My brothers
3. 405 (can't have one without the other, kek~)
4. Mistress
5. Cops, all of the ones I like bothering (Yes, Child. Keikan included -_-" )

Four things you're wearing right now:
1. Contacts
2. Hoodies (yes, plural)
3. Wooly socks
4. Gun XD

Three songs that you listen to often:
1. "Bolero" by DBSK
2. "It's Your Day" by Yiruma
3. "Love on the Rocks" by Sara Bareilles

Two things you want to do before you die:
1. Get married and have a lovely family
2. Scuba diving...?

One confession:
1. I really do like salads...


List 10 random facts about you people may not know: (Doubtful, but we'll see.)
1. I shaved off half of one of my eyebrows when I was younger.
2. People seem to think otherwise, but I do like the Twilight series. It's just the fanbase that drives me insane. (Those stupid kids running around the mall when New Moon was in theaters! Go home!!!)
3. Even though I'm a crazy gunslinger, I've never gone hunting.
4. Never had a boyfriend. Never been kissed. :O
5. The only instrument I can play properly is the piano, but the only thing I can do is read sheet music. I don't know anything about chords.
6. At one point, I wanted to be a voice actress.
7. If you ask me what I want for Christmas, I honestly will not know.
8. I had a bad, drinking experience on my 21st birthday :\ It's why I don't ever drink alcohol (though I've VERY slowly started warming up to it).
9. I'm listening to American music right now, but I only find myself looking forward to one or two songs on the radio.
1O. I will be leaving to go to Taos, NM this Saturday :3 I'll be on vacation for a week. Yippee!
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