From Twitter 04-27-2011

Apr 28, 2011 04:02

  • 18:51:48: Mom is now on a treatment regimen that seems to be managing her symptoms to the point of functionality, if not top quality of life.
  • 18:54:01: Just got a call from management to remind me about coming in early for an appt tomorrow. Of course they couldn't remember what time it was
  • 19:01:58: Roommate just screamed "It's Brucie" responding to Satan-on-helium voice on laptop. If she manages to murder me The Shining style, avenge me
  • 19:04:01: And yes, she is 100% dumb enough to confuse "Here's Johnnie!" with "It's Brucie!" Still an impression due to tone of voice and crazy eyes.
  • 19:11:48: Is "right up your alley" a bowling reference or just innuendo?
  • 19:13:32: Wow, just thought that lady opening York patty in a commercial was ripping open a condom. Things are way more interesting in my imagination.
  • 19:21:04: Donald Trump doesn't need to pander to birther idiots to show that he can appeal to worst in people. He's starred in reality TV after all.
  • 19:39:13: RT @Dedpull: It's those weird nights where havin' friends would be re-heally nice right now, instead of a gun.
  • 19:40:57: @ Dedpull ::zen hug:: It's okay, your friends just live on the computer.
  • 19:42:52: Instead of death metal or something else fun, my roommate blasts Finding Nemo at deafening volume, & then does Dory's whale talk along w/her
  • 19:48:11: @ spiqueen14 If I were a crueler person, I'd be making a faux nature documentary starring her as the village idiot right now.
  • 19:53:20: @ RobertHSims Pardon me while my mind shuts down at the thought of bowling pros and sex having anything to do w/ each other.
  • 19:56:22: @ RobertHSims Good thing I was already insane-that's enough to sever anyone's connection to the world of reason.
  • 20:00:57: @ RobertHSims A noble calling indeed.
  • 20:04:01: Do I want to have a volume war between my @ MythBusters in the common area and my roommate's Finding Nemo in her room? Methinks yes.
  • 20:09:39: @ RobertHSims Sounds like an improvement over most deity-assigned missions.
  • 20:10:46: @ RobertHSims Screaming means "I love you"
  • 20:14:47: Watching @ MythBusters reuse stuff from myth to myth enables my terrible packrat instincts.
  • 20:16:59: @ donttrythis on @MythBusters: That's a tight fit.
    Me (w/o any pause to think): That's what she said.
  • 20:26:50: @ RobertHSims Sound's like Crowley from Good Omens. Well played sir.
  • 20:34:35: @ RobertHSims It was the first writing of @neilhimself I ever read. First slash fanfic I ever read (ah, 14) was from that fandom too.
  • 21:19:33: RT @ProPublica: Interior Dept: Climate change could cut water flow in western US by up to 20% this century via @reuters

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