Name: jess
Genitalia: VAGINA
Age: 15
Location: florida
Describe yourself in a haiku: ..
Do you say "pop", "soda" or "soda-pop?" soda.
Did Michael Jackson do it? no.
Goatse or tubgirl? tubgirl.
Are you 1337 enough to know what C-Unit is? i'm in c-unit, fucker.
Who is gheyer: Lydia or Sean? sean.
Do you use the word bogus? no.
Define fwapoijeroijawerpoji. sean's random letters. he always uses p, o, i, j, e, r, and w.
Does Mandie's coochie stink? Yes or yes. YES.
Is Gary Coleman a midget? who's gary coleman?
Yankees fucking suck. Right? (Right.) okay.
Don't you wish you could say water hot? yes. "wooter.:
In 10 words or more, express your undying love for me. (And for Sean. duh.) lydia is very sexy and i want to do her up the ass. sean is very homosexual and i want to do him up the ass, too.
Finally....Post a picture of an object that resembles Sean. (Or Lydia.)
And now of yourself. kthx