(no subject)

Oct 16, 2005 20:51

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Take the quiz.
Post your results.
1) Is buttstache your best friend? We don't talk very much, but she still rocks.
2) Has n_austin1988 dyed their hair? ..I don't think so.
3) How would xlashl3y89lx kill weak_lungs_x? Some weird way that would end up on Law & Order. Because Law & Order is amazing.
4) What do you disagree with saygoodbye_ about? Oh, buddy. Belch, or burp?
5) Is xtohellwithyoux related to xlashl3y89lx? Nope.
6) Does weak_lungs_x have a crush on xtohellwithyoux? Haha..I don't think so. That might creep Mal out a bit.
7) Is buttstache friends with laurathaexplora? Yessah.
8) What is buttstache's favorite game? No idea.
9) Is xtohellwithyoux in a relationship? Not that I know of. Unless she and Erin are a thing.
10) What comic book character would n_austin1988 be? Harry Potter...yes, I know that's not a comic book.
11) Does n_austin1988 know laurathaexplora? No.
12) Did laurathaexplora break up with you? No, and if she did..I'd cry.
13) Does _____070210522 do drugs? Hugs, not drugs.
14) If xtohellwithyoux had a superpower, what would it be? To have nads of wrath?
15) One thing you can't stand about xtohellwithyoux? ...She's pretty?
16) Could you see xtohellwithyoux and laurathaexplora together? Totally.
17) What is cowbell4228's biggest flaw? Her...ass. ? I don't know.
18) Is anklette popular? Popularity at Glenwood is a bad thing. It means your hated..big time.
19) Do cowbell4228 and xtohellwithyoux go to the same school? Shyeah. Crazy bitches.
20) What is weak_lungs_x's favorite color? Umm..
21) Are n_austin1988 and weak_lungs_x married? If they are, Erin would probably kill a bitch.
22) If _____070210522 were hanging off a cliff, what would laurathaexplora do? Not know about it? Because Christine is in Florida, and Laura is here.
23) What song/movie would you recommend to _____070210522? She already knows way too many.
24) Do you think n_austin1988 is hot? Eff yes. He's one sexy..boyfriend of ERINS.
25) Does buttstache have a dog? Im not sure?
26) Is saygoodbye_ an emo? Of course.
27) Would xtohellwithyoux be a better ninja or pirate? Ahhahhaha. NINJA.
28) How many monkeys could saygoodbye_ fight at once and win against?
29) Which president would _____070210522 be likely to idolize? Babrahamm Lincoln
30) Would xlashl3y89lx and laurathaexplora look good together? I have to admit, they'd be pretty dern hott. Hotties.

This is great. =]
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