So, we decided to do a THING! Where we give and get fannish gifts and keep everyone full of good cheer! But we didn't want to do a ficathon, because, of course, not everybody writes. Plus, we need more than just fic in this fandom. So!
1. You comment on this post and leave your wishlist for Rookie Blue fannish items. At LEAST 5, but not more than 10. (The bigger your list, the more freedom others will have to fill your wishes!)
2. You go through and read everybody's wishlist and agree to fill one wish on TWO different lists. You can actually fill as many as you want, but by signing up you agree to fill one wish for two different people, so we can make sure everyone gets something.
3. I will put up a wishlist fill post on December 24, and I'll create a new comment thread for each person participating. You go in and reply to their comment thread with their gift. (or a link to their gift!) Ideally, they'd all be posted by New Year's Day, but I know holiday schedules can be unexpected sometimes.
4. You don't reply to comments here and 'claim' any wishes to fill or anything. Just work on whatever you want. This means people might get more than one fill on the same wish, but that's okay. I think it will work better than claiming and be less pressure.
Ask for anything you want that is Rookie Blue focused, and that someone can make you. Try to be fairly specific.
Ideas: (try to be character/episode/pairing specific as much as you can)
Fic (fills can be anything from a drabble to a novel. prompts can be one word to a whole plotline.)
Wallpapers (specify resolution if you please)
LJ banners (specifying size and color scheme would be helpful)
Fanmixes (Might I suggest
8 Tracks, a streaming mix site where you can upload your own mix legally, and people can then buy any tracks they like! Regular zip file mixes that people can download are fine too!)
Fic covers
RECAP: You must request at least 5 things, limited to 10. And you must fill one wish for two different people. To be finished between December 24 - January 1. (We can open a bit early or stay open late to help you out if needed.) We'll close this post next Sunday, December 4, I think. And I'll comment with the first wishlist as an example.
Feel free to pimp if you think anyone on your flist would be interested.
Happy holidays! Let's have a fandom party!