You were right about me.02.
I was wrong about you.03.This cancels out the hurt.04.I need to want you.05.You can be like me.06.I want to need you.07.
Prove it.08.I'm cruel.09.Always wondered what this'd be like.10.I'm broken.11.Thought I needed this.12.
I'm drunk.13.I want to hurt you.14.I'm awake and you're breathing.15.This is my desperation in action.16.I want to break you.17.Wish I didn't love you.18.I pity you.19.This isn't about you at all.20.
I hate you, you bitch.21.You'll do.22.I hate myself.23.You remind me of me.24.I want you to hate me.25.You remind me of someone.26.
I can be like you.27.Author's Choice.28.Author's Choice.29.Author's Choice.30.Author's Choice.
These are the prompts for the
Unlove You Challenge. Tags: "Homicide: LotS" & "Homicide: LotS: Frank/Tim"