3/25/06 // IC!Alfons and Evil!Al

Mar 26, 2006 00:34

Who: IC!Alfons and Evil!Al
When: 3/25/06 but takes place 3/23/06
Rating: PG-13 for language
Category: Side plot
Summary: Alfons finally comes to after having been kidnapped, runs into evil!Al, and there is mass chaos.

IC!Alfons: ::wakes up, feeling slightly woozy, and looks dizzily around the room, then blinks and becomes alarmed as he takes in his surroundings: a sterile room with nothing more than a simple bed, a small table, a few windows looking out into an equally sterile hallway, and a metal door:: What... What is this? ::finds that he is still wearing the same clothes as before, but has a pin on his shirt that simply says "87":: A hospital, perhaps? Is this a patient number? Seems odd... ::slides off of the bed and takes a brief look around the room again, then peeks out the window and spots a solitary uniformed figure walking down the hallway with his back to him, examines the uniform as best he can, and claps and attempts to transmute his clothing to match the uniform but finds that alchemy does not work here:: ...Oh great. No alchemy must mean I am in another dimension entirely. ::slips out the door and takes a last glance at the guard's retreating back before taking off in the opposite direction as quietly as he can::

silent alarm: ::alerts the guards that one of the new arrivals in block M has left his cell, and would somebody please escort him back to cell 87, thank you kindly::

IC!Alfons: ::continues down the hallway and is shortly apprehended by two guards, who, to his shock, look rather similar to himself::

Guard 1: ::grabs for his arm, as Guard 2 does the same for the other arm::

IC!Alfons: ::dodges backward and briefly avoids capture before they manage to grab him successfully:: What is going on here? Where am I?

Guard 2: ::tugs sharply on his arm and starts walking back down the hall, toward Alfons' cell:: You'll learn shortly enough if you just come along back to your room. Doctor McAlister will explain everything to you. He's probably wondering where you are right now.

IC!Alfons: ::grumbles a little but allows them to take him back, and notices that indeed, an old man is standing in his room, obviously waiting:: Ah, might you be the doctor I was told of? ::is dumped onto the bed by the guards, who then leave::

McAlister: That is me, yes, but I am of no importance to you, really. I am just here to tell you a few things. You woke up a bit earlier than we were expecting, or we would not have had this little delay. ::frowns slightly:: I know you are full of questions right now. That is expected, of course. You Alphonses tend on the whole to be very bright and very curious.

IC!Alfons: ::blinks:: Are you suggesting-

McAlister: ::cuts him off:: Now now, be patient. I will tell you all you need to know. You have been selected for a very special program, young man. Only the finest are chosen, and of course, the Alphonses are clearly the finest in what we are looking for. You are smart, courageous, physically adept, and typically, quite willing to help others, as a whole. There are individual variations of course, but those are easily accounted for, and generally overcome by your good qualities. You see, here, my supervisors are quite busy collecting all of you for a grand purpose that only you can fulfill, so you really are quite special, whether or not you realize it. I cannot tell you what this purpose is, however; do not think I am withholding information from you, for quite honestly, my supervisors have not told me, either. Now, you have two options, really. You can agree to help us, or you can be uncooperative, in which case, you will simply have to be convinced. If you are genuinely cooperative, however, you will be rewarded for your kindness. What is your choice?

IC!Alfons: Ah, well... I... ::tries to stall while thinking of a way out of this:: I suppose I could... ::bites his lip, stalling a bit more:: I mean-

::suddenly, a very loud alarm goes off::

McAlister: ::bends his head down a bit, away from the sound, to receive an incoming message from the control room, then begins to look a bit panicked:: You, stay right here! ::bolts out the door and down the hallway::

IC!Alfons: ::takes this opportunity to run out as well after the doctor has gone, and follows down a hallway parallel to the one most of the guards are taking, then is suddenly shoved aside by someone sprinting in the opposite direction:: Hey! ::realizes almost a moment too late who it is after the running figure flips him off over his shoulder, so he chases him down as best he can:: Wait up a minute!

Evil!Al: Yeah right! ::runs faster::

IC!Alfons: I thought you had an injured leg!

Evil!Al: Had would be the key word there. Now fuck off, you're attracting their attention! ::glares back at him briefly::

IC!Alfons: Is this alarm ringing caused by something you did?

Evil!Al: Would you stop with the stupid questions? Yes, it is! Now fuck off, seriously! ::whips around a corner and heads down a different hallway, one much quieter than the others::

IC!Alfons: ::does his best to follow, but starts panting slightly, getting tired:: Alright, fine, questions can come later. What do you expect us to do now?

Evil!Al: Us?! Who said you were coming with me? You've gotta be kidding me. ::glances around wildly for an exit or hiding place::

IC!Alfons: How do you expect us to get out of this if we have to work on our own? It is not as though I enjoy the prospect of working with someone who has threatened multiple times to kill me, either, but I want to get home.

Evil!Al: Then do so yourself! I sure as hell don't need you to slow me down! ::ducks into an empty room, panting slightly, and watches for guards::

IC!Alfons: ::does the same, and leans against the wall with his eyes closed briefly:: So tell me now, how do you know all of this? What is going on here?

Evil!Al: ::rolls his eyes:: Well, what I got from the guy I beat up, hence the alarm going off, is that we were taken here by these freaks who intend to use us as a sort of army, workforce, whatever the hell they want. Apparently they're under the impression that all Als are good, hard-working, helpful people. ::smirks:: Guess I threw them off a little. Those who don't wanna help out are either forced to work for stuff like food and water, or brainwashed, apparently, though I think the guy was just trying to make these people sound more impressive than they already are. If you're a good little boy and you help them out willingly, they give you slightly less degrading jobs, like the guards we've seen.

IC!Alfons: Ah... So, basically, we need to get out of here as soon as possible. And hopefully send all of the other Als back home while we are at it.

Evil!Al: You crazy? Hell, I'm not gonna let all these bastards go home. If they wanna stay here and help these freaks, then whatever, I'm not gonna try stopping them. Way more trouble than it's worth.

IC!Alfons: But so many are innocent here! We cannot allow them to remain kidnapped...

Evil!Al: Look, moron, there's no way we can send everyone back by ourselves. They're gonna have to figure it out on their own, okay? Now come on, let's keep moving. If you're gonna help out, start being useful. ::peeks out the doorway, then dashes out and runs off::

IC!Alfons: ::sprints after him, panting slightly again:: But how did you get healed?

Evil!Al: Look, just shut the fuck up already or they'll find us! ::continues down the hallway and halts at a corner, backed up against the wall, and whispers:: The stuff down here is more high-security than the dorm area. This is where they keep all their special equipment. I'm thinking we can take out a few guards and make some sort of barricade once we find what we want so they don't get to us. They'll avoid injuring us for as long as possible, since they want us alive and able to work for them. I get the sense that this whole facility is still in its beginning stages, too. I mean, we're what... ::glances at their tags:: 86 and 87, right? So they've only got 85 other Als. Who knows how many there are out there for them to steal. So we're their first security problem, and they don't know how to handle it. ::continues watching cautiously down the hallway, which is patrolled by several non-Al guards, currently talking on radio headsets and looking nervous::

IC!Alfons: ::blinks at him a moment:: Are you always this, ah, calculating? I was under the impression that you were a bit more, ah...

Evil!Al: Impulsive? Stupid? ::snorts:: You don't know me as well as you probably think you do.

IC!Alfons: I see... ::looks around a bit:: Their communication devices have to be radio-based, though I have never seen anything quite like it. If we find the proper equipment, we can search for the wavelengths they are using and fill them with white noise...

Evil!Al: Okay, you work on that. ::waits a moment, then charges forward and knocks out one of the guards instantly with a kick to the head, and lays the others all flat within several more minutes, grinning::

IC!Alfons: ...Clearly you do not need that suit of armor to do damage.

Evil!Al: ::smirks:: Feels good to do that again. With recovering, then getting beat up again, I've been out of action for way too long. ::snickers::

IC!Alfons: ::walks cautiously over and kneels down to check the guards, and finds they're not severely damaged as far as he can tell:: Have you always been that good at combat, though? I mean, I would have thought that with those years in armor, you'd have learned a lot...

Evil!Al: Oh, I did indeed... I had forgotten how much I did learn. ::starts dragging the unconscious guards into the nearby room::

IC!Alfons: ::stares:: You mean you... You remember?

Evil!Al: Sure do. ::grins, then locks and closes the door to the room with the guards in it, then heads down the hall, keeping an eye out for more trouble:: Man, their security's light. Good for us, huh? ::peeks in the window into another room, then keeps going, starting to look concerned:: You don't think they're trying to trap us or something, do you? I mean, this is just weird.

IC!Alfons: ...Maybe we should steal some uniforms?

Evil!Al: ...No, but... ::removes the pin from his shirt and inspects it:: You don't think they can track us with these things, can they?

IC!Alfons: ::takes it and inspects it, then breaks off the backing and spots a microchip:: ...I have no idea what this is, but it looks suspicious to me. ::takes his off as well:: Where should we hide them?

Evil!Al: ::takes both pins and looks up:: Give me a boost?

IC!Alfons: Ah, sure... ::gets down onto his hands and knees::

Evil!Al: ::steps up onto his back and lifts a ceiling grate, then sticks the pins up there and hops down:: That should confuse them for a bit. Mmkay, let's go.

IC!Alfons: ::gets up and follows him into another section of the building with no noticeable guards and lots of heavy locked doors with high, small windows:: What do you suppose goes on here? ::peeks in one of the windows but spots a lot of incomprehensible machinery in the room::

Evil!Al: Dunno. We're looking for some sort of communications or transportation room. I really don't care about anything else.

IC!Alfons: Makes sense... ::looks into the windows of a few more rooms, drawing a couple curious looks from a few scientists, then turns and spots two guards coming after them from farther back down the hallway:: Oh no, they found us... ::tries not to look nervous or suspicious::

Evil!Al: They're just wimpy little wusses. I'll take care of 'em if they give us trouble. ::speeds up a little:: Damn, where is it...

IC!Alfons: They are catching up... ::gets a bit more worried, and looks around frantically before finding a large room marked COMMUNICATIONS:: There! ::grabs his wrist and tugs him into the room, closing the door behind them:: ...Oh dear. ::stares at the handful of technicians and researchers:: Ah, we... We do not mean to harm you or anything...

Evil!Al: ::snickers and stands in front of the door with his arms crossed::

Scientist dude: ::raises his hands a little:: Look, if you need us to help you, just tell us what you want. There's a lot of sensitive equipment here and we just don't want it getting damaged. ::glances at the security camera briefly::

IC!Alfons: No no, we do not want to damage anything. We just want to get home. I... I know you probably will not help us with that, but... If we could at least contact someone...

Evil!Al: ::had noticed the glance at the camera and hisses:: Oh, shit, they've got some sort of notification device or something... ::growls:: Alright, all of you bastards, out of the room before I kick your skulls in! Get out! ::jerks the door open:: Five seconds before I kill you all! ::glares as they all run out the door::

IC!Alfons: What... Alphonse! ::stares as Al locks the door after everyone else has left:: What are we going to do now?! ::looks over at the communication console and gestures at it:: I do not even know how I am supposed to turn this thing on!

Evil!Al: Well, you've got a few minutes before they bring backup and beat down this door, so I suggest you figure it out fast, bastard!

IC!Alfons: Do not yell at me! ::goes and sits in front of the console, trying to figure out how it operates, then finds a notebook on the table beside it and flips through the pages, comparing the codes written in it to the console keys and layout:: Just give me a few minutes to figure out how this works. Look around and see if you can find any sort of documentation on it in the room, bitte.

Evil!Al: Fine. ::rolls his eyes and searches through rows of notebooks and files on a table behind them, then goes to the bookshelf:: Fuck, I can't even read half of these titles. It's in some other language.

IC!Alfons: I should have figured. ::examines the console, then decides it looks like it's already on:: I think I just have to find the right sequence of numbers to punch in. There is a page for Amestris. They must have contacts travelling to all sorts of dimensions to hunt us down. ::shakes his head, then scans the list and starts punching in a series of numbers on the keypad::

Evil!Al: You figured it out? What're you doing?

IC!Alfons: Calling Edward. ::continues pushing in numbers, then turns his attention to a set of dials:: I have to match the correct spectral wavelength? Why in the world... ::starts adjusting the dials::

Evil!Al: Oh, hell no, you're not. We're calling Winry. Your stupid boyfriend can wait until later. And when you figure it out, you're letting me do the talking.

IC!Alfons: Excuse me? I think not! As wonderful as Winry is, if Edward gets the information we have, he might be able to actually do something to help us!

Evil!Al: ::snarls:: You know what? Maybe I should do this myself! Saves me time, instead of having to deal with a little bastard like you! ::gathers his right hand into a fist, glaring::

IC!Alfons: Fine! We can tell Winry! You get to talk! ::pushes a few more buttons:: But Edward is going to listen in!

Evil!Al: Good! If that's what it takes to make you happy, then good! I'm so glad! ::sneers:: The sooner we get back, the sooner you can return to your moronic little boyfriend, cocksucker.

IC!Alfons: ::glares coldly at him:: ...Excuse me, what did you just call me?

Evil!Al: A cocksucker! Assmuch! F-A-G!

IC!Alfons: ::stares, in shock, then stands up:: ...You know, if you want me to just walk off and leave you here on your own, I would be more than happy. I would love to see you try and get out of here without me. So I have a tip: if you want to make it back home and see Winry again sometime, I suggest you keep your prejudices to yourself!

Evil!Al: ::crosses his arms and backs up a bit, rolling his eyes:: Fine. Whatever. Just do your work.

IC!Alfons: ::picks up the headset and drags evil!Al in front of the console, then plops the headset on him and pushes a button:: Knock yourself out. I am going over here and watching for guards. ::crosses his arms and watches out the window, grumbling slightly, and listens as evil!Al begins to talk to Winry::

npc:guards, evil!al, ic!alfons, npc:dr mcalister, log, npc:scientist dude

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