7/17/06 // IC!Alfons and IC!Hughes

Jul 17, 2006 23:11

Who: IC!Alfons and IC!Hughes
When: 7/17/06
Rating: G
Category: Side Plot
Summary: Hughes runs into Alfons at the park. And there is plot and mild lessening of emo, thank goodness.

IC!Hughes: ::walking through the park on his way to the police station to check up on a few outstanding warrants and cases::

IC!Alfons: ::looks up briefly from his book, noticing movement, then spots Hughes and raises an eyebrow a little, watching him for a moment before going back to reading::

IC!Hughes: ::slows down a bit and makes a beeline for Alfons when he spots him... walks up next to him to read the book over his shoulder for a second:: Hey Alfons.

IC!Alfons: ::looks up at him and nods a little:: Hallo, Herr Hughes... It is good to see you.

IC!Hughes: Good to see you, too. How are you doing?

IC!Alfons: ::shrugs:: Alright, I suppose... And you?

IC!Hughes: I'm holding up. ::grins, eyes the bench:: Mind if I sit down?

IC!Alfons: Oh, of course not, go ahead. ::scoots over a little to make more room, then picks up his bookmark and marks his place, and puts his book down with a small yawn::

IC!Hughes: Enjoying the weather?

IC!Alfons: Ja, it is nice out...

IC!Hughes: ::leans back and stretches out:: Finally feeling like summer should.

IC!Alfons: ::nods:: I had forgotten how warm it gets here in the summers. It is not nearly this warm and sunny at home as often.

IC!Hughes: That's a shame.
IC!Hughes: Speaking of home, though... have you tried working on that transporter at all?

IC!Alfons: Ah, no, not yet... ::frowns a little:: I guess I really should, though... It is just hard to get motivated enough to take it on, for some reason. I feel like if I had been presented with a similar project last year, I would have jumped at the opportunity.

IC!Hughes: Hmm... ::frowns a bit:: Want to talk about it?

IC!Alfons: What, my lack of motivation? ::sighs:: Not really.

IC!Hughes: What about what's causing it?

IC!Alfons: You do not deserve to be bothered with the details... I can deal with this. ::shakes his head::

IC!Hughes: ::tempted to poke him in the side; shakes his head instead:: It helps to talk, Alfons, and it's not going to bother me if you do. Keeping it all inside's not going to make it any easier, that's for sure.
IC!Hughes: ::stretches out his legs and crosses his feet:: I'm not in a hurry to get anywhere.

IC!Alfons: ::frowns:: Letting it out is only going to upset me more, though, I think. I would rather just not think about it at all. I was never good at dealing with this sort of situation... And the last few times something similar has happened in my life, circumstances have forced me to just go on and pretend that nothing bad happened...

IC!Hughes: ::sigh:: Unfortunately, Alfons, it doesn't look like this is going to go away anytime soon. Things are going to remind you, and about the only way to stop it from upsetting you every time that happens is to talk about it.

IC!Alfons: ...I... ::sighs softly, then shrugs:: I do not know what to say or where to start...

IC!Hughes: What was the last thing on your mind before you sat down and started reading?

IC!Alfons: ...Edward. I am just so afraid I will never see him again.
IC!Alfons: ::shrugs a little, and looks to the side, a bit uncomfortable::

IC!Hughes: Do you think he feels the same?

IC!Alfons: ...I do not know. I cannot tell when his thinking is or is not untainted by his illness anymore. I cannot separate them as easily as I used to be able to.

IC!Hughes: So you've heard from him since he left.

IC!Alfons: Ja... I have. We have been writing letters back and forth. I am not sure how to respond to his latest one, or if I should at all...

IC!Hughes: ::nods:: If he's still taking the time to write to you, though, he's probably just as worried, in a way.

IC!Alfons: I want that to be the case, but I do not know how much is my ability to read between the lines and see how he actually feels, and how much is me deluding myself into thinking he still cares about me and wants to come back to me, despite that he says the opposite.

IC!Hughes: This is the most recent letter?

IC!Alfons: Ja...

IC!Hughes: It's probably gotten harder to read him lately, since he's outside his usual circles.
IC!Hughes: Do you know if he's staying with anyone?

IC!Alfons: ::shakes his head:: No, I do not know. I should probably ask Gluttony... He would be able to tell me. He has been delivering the letters.

IC!Hughes: He was able to track him down? ::curious, since he lost the scent so soon::

IC!Alfons: ::nods::

IC!Hughes: ::wonders how fast Gluttony can travel...:: How quickly is he able to get the letters to Edward?

IC!Alfons: Usually within a day, I think... You ought to just ask him, though. Or I could ask for you. He might prefer to talk to me.

IC!Hughes: ... Actually, I might need to ask him about some other things, too. Do you think he'd talk to me?

IC!Alfons: I could request that he answer any of your questions, I suppose... I do not fully understand why he trusts me so much, but he does, and he is such a wonderful ally, especially in a situation like this.

IC!Hughes: ::nods:: He would be. ::grins a bit sheepishly:: If I wasn't still slightly afraid of him, I'd try a bit harder to get him to trust me.

IC!Alfons: ::smiles a little:: If you are nice to him, it is easy to win him over. He is very lonely and likes friendship.

IC!Hughes: Maybe, but I'm also afraid he's responsible for quite a few disappearances lately... ::smirks a bit:: And he eats people. I think that's mostly it.

IC!Alfons: Fair enough. ::shrugs a little, still smiling slightly::

IC!Hughes: Actually, would you mind if I asked Gluttony as you?

IC!Alfons: ::blinks:: What?

IC!Hughes: Ah, sorry. ::grins a bit sheepishly:: I figured after the scene the turtle Al made about the second prize, everyone knew.

IC!Alfons: Oh... Right, no, I am still used to thinking of those as being used for transforming into animals. Transforming into other people...I forget those can do that. And it kind of seems wrong to me somehow. ::frowns a little:: If you have to, though... I suppose I could let you...

IC!Hughes: If it bothers you, don't worry about it. It is a little weird. ... More than a little weird.

IC!Alfons: I just... I guess I do not see why it would be necessary? I am sure you have plenty of things to ask him that would help out your search, but... We could always both talk to him together, and it would achieve the same effect, ja? You can be sure he will not harm you if you are with me...

IC!Hughes: ::sigh:: It's not him I'm worried about, really. There's... someone I don't want knowing where I am on this.
IC!Hughes: And I don't know if I can trust Gluttony not to tell him something like that if he asked.

IC!Alfons: Ah... ::nods a little:: Alright... Well... Again, I suppose we could always just ask Gluttony not to say, but ja, maybe a disguise would work better for you... ::shifts a little::

IC!Hughes: If it bothers you, I'm not going to do it.
IC!Hughes: This could just be me being overly paranoid. ::smirks a bit:: It wouldn't be the first time.

IC!Alfons: Well, but... I want you to succeed. I want Edward back. So... If taking my shape as a disguise will help, then... Ja, I... I will let you.

IC!Hughes: ::frowns slightly:: Are you sure?

IC!Alfons: I will do anything to keep him safe. I told him that a long time ago, and I have said it many times. So ja, I am sure.

IC!Hughes: ::smiles:: It's really only borrowing, anyway. And I promise, I'll only do it this once. ::reaches over and touches his arm::

IC!Alfons: ::flinches ever so slightly, and watches him::

IC!Hughes: ::concentrates for a moment, acquiring him, then takes his hand away:: Sorry...

IC!Alfons: ::shakes his head a little, eyes slightly wider:: No need to apologize... It is just... Strange, that is all. Ahm. I want to help, like I said, so... it is alright...

IC!Hughes: ::sigh:: Thank you, Alfons.

IC!Alfons: ::nods:: Ja, of course...

IC!Hughes: ::shakes his head:: Here I am, sat down to help you sort things out, and I'm probably only making your life more difficult.

IC!Alfons: No... I... Well, I think I am a bit more hopeful, now... I felt as though I was kind of doing all of this on my own, you know? I knew you were working on it, but since I do not see most of the work you do, it felt lke I was the only one.

IC!Hughes: You're not, though. I promise, even though most of my work involves sneaking around, I'm doing everything I can possibly think of.

IC!Alfons: I know, I realize that, and I am very grateful that you are doing so much. If you ever need my help again with anything at all, then bitte, let me know?

IC!Hughes: ::nods:: I will. And if you need anyone to talk to, please, don't hesitate to find me.

IC!Alfons: Danke... I will keep that in mind.

IC!Hughes: ::smiles:: Good.
IC!Hughes: Was there anything else you had on your mind?

IC!Alfons: ::shrugs:: I just wish I had someone around to talk to more often. I am glad you are willing to talk, but you are often so busy... I wish my brother was not at work so much. I am starting to miss him, too. I just feel alone sometimes. ::shakes his head:: When did I become so dependent?

IC!Hughes: Dependent isn't as bad as people make it out to be sometimes. Independent is a lonely existence, and we're social animals. ::shrugs, grinning slightly:: I'd be embarrassed of how dependent I am on my family if I didn't know better.

IC!Alfons: Ja, but... I lived by myself for years, not too long ago, and I was fine, really. I mean, I missed my family, ja, especially my brother, but... I was not feeling particularly lonely. ::shakes his head::
IC!Alfons: Clearly things have changed a lot for me in the past year, and I suppose that is fine, but I am still not used to it.

IC!Hughes: It's easy to be independent when the world makes sense. Things have changed for everyone in the past year... the world has changed in the past year, and people can't help changing with it. Plus you're still young, which brings enough change by itself. It's not something you really get used to. You just get through it.

IC!Alfons: ::nods:: I suppose so. I guess I am just not giving myself enough credit... ::shrugs slightly::

IC!Hughes: Look at all you've been through in the past year... even the last six months. You deserve a lot more credit than you're giving yourself.

IC!Alfons: Maybe. I do not know. I feel terrible about a lot of things I have done. If I am not acknowledging the good things I have done, who knows how many terrible things I have also neglected...? ::shakes his head::

IC!Hughes: ::shakes his head:: That's where you're wrong. It's part of our nature to dwell on the things we've done wrong, or that we feel guilty about, and unfortunately we have a habit of forgetting the things we've done right.

IC!Alfons: Ja, maybe, but that still does not make me feel better about what I have done...

IC!Hughes: But maybe it helps with the other things you're afraid you forgot you did. We all make mistakes, and almost all of us feel guilty about them. There isn't much anyone can say that can help with that until you forgive yourself.

IC!Alfons: ::nods a little:: ...Ja, I guess. ...Danke.

IC!Hughes: It's tough, but you've got to cut yourself some slack. ::smiles a bit:: Enough of my babbling, though.

IC!Alfons: ::just shrugs a little:: Ahm... Danke for taking the time to talk to me...

IC!Hughes: ::nods:: Whenever you need me, Alfons. I'm never too busy to talk.

IC!Alfons: Alright. I appreciate that. ::small smile::

IC!Hughes: ::reaches over and messes up his hair:: Take care of yourself. ::smiles::

IC!Alfons: ::bats his hand away a little, chuckling:: I will try, danke.

IC!Hughes: Good. ::smirks and stands up:: You'd better.

IC!Alfons: ::nods:: Good luck to you...

IC!Hughes: Thank you. Hopefully things will start moving along soon. ::grins::
IC!Hughes: Good luck to you, too

IC!Alfons: Danke. ::smiles:: I hope so, as well. The sooner, the better.

IC!Hughes: ::smiles back::
IC!Hughes: Which means I should get to work.

IC!Alfons: Ja, I suppose. And perhaps I should get to checking out the transporter.

IC!Hughes: It's a quiet day on the grounds, it'd be good for getting a start, at least.

IC!Alfons: ::picks up his book and stands as well, stretching a little:: Well, then I suppose I will be on my way. ::smiles a little::

IC!Hughes: ::grins:: All right. I'll see you around then, Alfons. ::waves and turns to head back to the path he was on earlier::

IC!Alfons: ::waves back, then heads off in the direction of the military warehouses::

ic!alfons, log, ic!hughes

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