Who: IC!Hughes, C!Envy
When: 8/29/06
Rating: R (Proceed with caution. You are warned)
Category: Side plots
Summary: Hughes interrogates C!Envy.
IC!Hughes: ::walks up the stairs to Colin's office and pauses for a moment outside the door to check the time, then knocks::
C!Envy: *sitting in the desk chair, spinning idly and fiddling with a pen, straightening up when he hears the knock* Come in.
IC!Hughes: ::opens the door and steps inside, leaving it open so anyone in the hallway can hear if anything happens:: Are you ready?
C!Envy: *smirks at his obvious paranoia* Yes I am. Are you? *smiles catlike and sets down the pen*
IC!Hughes: Yes. There's a car waiting downstairs. Let's go.
C!Envy: *gets up, giving him an almost impressed, amused glance* I admire your bravado.*walks past him into the hall*
IC!Hughes: ::follows suit, keeping a very careful eye on him not only out of paranoia, but to make sure he knows exactly how he moves and acts in this situation::
C!Envy: *walks primly down the stairs, slipping on his sunglasses when he gets outside, waiting patiently by the car*
IC!Hughes: ::opens the back door of the car and wordlessly waits for him to get in::
C!Envy: *gets in, nodding a thanks, and folds his hands in his lap*
IC!Hughes: ::closes the door and steps to the front passenger door and gets inside... gives a nod to Gerries::
IC!Hughes: Gerries: ::nods and pulls away from the curb, heading towards headquarters::
C!Envy: *glances at Dawes next to him, smiling serenely and adjusting his sunglasses, looking blandly out the window*
IC!Hughes: ::continues to watch C!Envy in the side mirror::
C!Envy: *notices him watching and hikes his eyebrows at him, smiling with a bit more tooth*
IC!Hughes: ::does his best to keep his expression neutral and doesn't look away::
C!Envy: *gets bored with watching him and continues watching the passing cars, twining a strand of hair idly around his finger*
IC!Hughes: Dawes: ::beginning to think this is the most awkward car ride ever::
IC!Hughes: Gerries: ::thankfully, soon after pulls into a parking space at headquarters and turns off the engine::
IC!Hughes: Dawes: ::out of habit, gets out and goes around to open the door for C!Envy::
C!Envy: Thank you~ *smiles warmly and gets out, glancing around interestedly*
IC!Hughes: Thank you, Gerries. ::steps out of the car, had meant to cut off Dawes before he could let him out:: I'll take it from here.
C!Envy: *leans against the car while the cop brigade figures itself out*
IC!Hughes: Dawes: ::steps out of the way and closes the door in one motion::
IC!Hughes: ::nods towards the door to the building:: This way.
C!Envy: *starts off in the direction of his nod* Goodness, this all feels so formal.
IC!Hughes: Would you prefer we weren't taking this seriously?
C!Envy: *gives him a withering look* Oh you know what I mean.
IC!Hughes: Gerries: ::ahead of them, having skipped the shuffling around the car, opens the door for them::
C!Envy: *slips through the door, waiting for directions*
IC!Hughes: ::follows behind him through the door and waits::
IC!Hughes: Dawes: ::follows suit, along with Gerries, and the two of them step into the lead:: This way.
C!Envy: *nods once, walking after him, glancing around almost amusedly* Interesting how different this place looks when you're not the one carrying the badge.
IC!Hughes: ::stays behind him, still watching him like a hawk::
IC!Hughes: ::starts getting his thoughts in order for the interrogation, but finds it's hard while he's still wondering what will happen when they get in the room::
C!Envy: *slips his hands into his pockets, staring straight ahead*
IC!Hughes: Gerries: ::reaches the door to the interrogation room and holds it open::
IC!Hughes: Dawes: ::steps to the other side of the door::
C!Envy: *watches them both with half a smile, slipping inside* Thank you, gentlemen.
IC!Hughes: ::nods to the two of them... hesitates very briefly before stepping into the room::
IC!Hughes: Gerries: ::quietly, as Hughes passes:: Good luck, sir. ::closes the door:
C!Envy: *waits patiently for the invitation to sit*
IC!Hughes: Please have a seat. ::resumes his watchfulness of C!Envy::
C!Envy: *sits down, crossing his legs neatly in front of him and folding his hands in his lap* Know what you are doing, Lieutenant Colonel?
IC!Hughes: I think I've done this for long enough to know what I'm doing. ::takes the case file from on top of the cabinet and carries it over to the table where he's sitting:: Not that this isn't all for show anyway. ::drops the file on the table::
IC!Hughes: You are aware of the charges against you, am I right? ::watching him for any weakness... isn't sure now that he'll see one if he hasn't yet::
C!Envy: *sits back, slipping his sunglasses up his forehead* Refresh my memory?
IC!Hughes: ::opens the file in front of him::
IC!Hughes: Racketeering, conspiracy, aiding and abetting... ::runs his finger down the list::
C!Envy: *nods with each charge, frowning slightly*
IC!Hughes: ::moves on to the less solid charges:: ...identity theft, kidnapping, tax evasion...
C!Envy: *raises his eyebrows at kidnapping and tax evasion* Goodness you are thorough. But... well, we can get to that later. *leans back again*
IC!Hughes: I could go on. However, ::folds his arms:: we're here to discuss your involvement in the Edward Elric serial murder case.
C!Envy: Mm, yes. We are. Start anywhere you like, please. I will be happy to answer all your questions.
IC!Hughes: First of all, how did you come to know Edward Elric?
C!Envy: He offered his talents toward my business. From early January to mid-February, I believe. I was his employer.
IC!Hughes: And this was a strictly business relationship?
IC!Hughes: ::puts extra emphasis on the word "relationship"::
C!Envy: *nods once* Strictly
C!Envy: *shoots him a flippant look*
IC!Hughes: And what was the nature of this business?
C!Envy: *smiles pretty* The contracted killings of certain individuals for money. Although he started out as an errand boy.
IC!Hughes: ::nods:: When he made the move to being your contracted assassin, was it his own decision?
C!Envy: *nods once* Yes, although I did, ah, influence him a bit.
IC!Hughes: You gave him a loaded gun without his knowledge, did you not?
C!Envy: Yes, I did.
IC!Hughes: And after he was forced to use it to defend himself, you continued to nurture his violent urges so he could continue to serve as your assassin, did you not?
C!Envy: *nods, smiling faintly* His talents were too extraordinary to go to waste.
IC!Hughes: His talent for murder.
C!Envy: Have you seen him work? He is exquisite. I have never seen anything like him.
IC!Hughes: I would hardly call the murder of dozens of people exqusite.
C!Envy: Yes well I believe that would only be the beginning of our differing in tastes, hm?
IC!Hughes: This is not a matter of taste.
C!Envy: Well then, by all means continue. I could easily talk about Edward all day, but I am sure you have more pressing matters to discuss.
IC!Hughes: ::glare:: After Edward regained his senses and stopped, you skipped town leaving him to face the charges.
C!Envy: *derisive snort* I did not skip town, thank you. I had business which could not be ignored in another dimension. Though, I do admit my own foolishness. I did not realize just what an asset he was until I had lost him.
IC!Hughes: You continue to view him as an asset.
C!Envy: As a matter of fact, no. I do not.
IC!Hughes: What has brought about this change in your attitude towards him?
C!Envy: *thinks for a few moments, speaking slowly, thoughtfully* I believe... I believe it was when I got back and I realized that he was to be killed for the things I had coerced him into doing. I felt... remorse. *laughs humorlessly* He is the first human I have encountered since this was done to me *gestures vaguely at himself* that I felt a connection with. He is... different... somehow.
IC!Hughes: Surely someone in your business would know that, as soon as he was apprehended and charged, that someone who had committed serial murders would be likely to be sentenced to death.
IC!Hughes: You could not have been ignorant to what you were leaving him to face, yet your business still came first.
C!Envy: *sighs* Yes, I know that. Of course I know that. This is a criminal interrogation, remember? Would you like to know how many years I have been in this business? How used to this routine, used to business coming first, I am? I told you. I did not realize I actually cared for him until after I had returned. I had never experienced that before.
IC!Hughes: So you sought him out yet again when you returned because of this "remorse"?
C!Envy: Once. To tell him I was here and that I was taking care of things to see that he would not be hurt or killed. He was at that point terrified of me, so I kept my distance after that.
IC!Hughes: Yet ::flips the case file to surveillance photos of their most recent hideout:: he continued to see you, and it was you that harbored him when he violated house arrest?
C!Envy: *nods slowly* He sought me out after I came to him. He was still frightened of me, but he was miserable and depressed. No one would listen to him. I did. I offered him his job back. He declined. *looks with distaste at the photos* After he had a psychotic episode, he left my alias's house and I intercepted him and took him to safety.
IC!Hughes: Thus further violating the law.
IC!Hughes: He stayed with you under his own will?
C!Envy: Yes, I seem to be quite good at violating things, don't I? *smiles sweetly* He was hesitant at first, but I promised him that I would not let him kill again. It is well within my power to easily do so, and I always keep a promise. He trusted me. He still does.
IC!Hughes: You admit that you have absolutely no regard for the law, and that you had manipulated him before. Am I to believe that this hasn't happened again? Because of something you think is "remorse"?
IC!Hughes: This is why it's a good thing this is not a matter of different opinions, Envy, otherwise I would question your ability to feel something like that. You have yet to show it in any other way.
C!Envy: Law, yes. Well, to a point. Human law, rarely. I adhere to my own strict code of ethics I am sure would be lost on you for obvious reasons. You create laws to delegate your species which I admit, works quite well most of the time. However, I am not human. I really find no need to adhere to such things. I have no soul- I have no perception of mortality. Yes, I manipulated him like I have with countless others. However, he is different. He is better than the rest of you. I spent the last two months consoling him through fits of horror for what he had done- what I made him do- and I will continue to do so if I am able.
IC!Hughes: ::somewhat relieved he has yet to really rise to any of the bait:: That only reinforces my point.
C!Envy: *disparaging look* How so.
IC!Hughes: Your continued lack of remorse. You cannot just pick and choose which rules, and what emotions, apply to you just because you believe you are above them. If your code is above us, as you claim, then how are we to understand your actions except as how they appear to us. Which is manipulative and remorseless in your disregard for human life, and humans in general.
C!Envy: *shrugs* I am here now, aren't I? I am adhering to your rules. And to correct you, if I may, I do not have a disregard for human life. I am generally ambivelant. However, I provide a service. I do not operate on personal levels with any of my clientele, my associates, or the marks my clients provide. It is strictly business. I wish no harm toward anyone.
IC!Hughes: You are adhering to the rules because it serves your own ends, not as a courtesy to our laws, if I'm not mistaken. ::nearly stops the derisive laugh:: And I'm sure you cannot claim to wish harm on no one, even those who've crossed you.
C!Envy: *smiles at him* I am really not the petty monster you think me to be. I am quite used to being crossed- it is part of the business. If it continues to persist, I have the problem nullified. However, I understand perfectly well that I am in a position which breeds discord and I do not hold that against anyone. However, after seven centuries I now have something of value. Someone I wish to protect. Should anything happen to him, I cannot be held responsible... *narrows his eyes slightly* But I believe we digress. You wished to interrogate me about Edward's case. Please continue.
IC!Hughes: ::half glares at him:: Regarding the episodes Edward suffers from. They continued under your care?
C!Envy: *stares back* Yes, although they have continually decreased.
IC!Hughes: What do you believe has caused this?
C!Envy: The decrease in his psychotic episodes?
IC!Hughes: Yes.
C!Envy: *sighs* Feeling safe, I suppose. He has told me repeatedly that he feels safe with me for the first time since he can remember. I listen to him. I keep him from hurting himself or others, and when it is too much, I let him stab me.
IC!Hughes: ::can't help the disbelief:: You what?
C!Envy: *stare level with him* Let him stab me. Get my blood all over the floors, the walls, the bed...
IC!Hughes: I see. So you continue to indulge his violent impulses.
IC!Hughes: Though you channel them away from other people.
IC!Hughes: ::makes an odd face at the mention of 'the bed'::
C!Envy: *catches his look at the word "bed" and smiles serenely* Yes, Lieutenant Colonel. The bed.
C!Envy: It works. He stopped having psychotic episodes almost entirely after the first two weeks with me, and after that they were only triggered by, ah, outside influences. *glares sharply at him*
IC!Hughes: Other than indulging his impulses, which has always provided some relief for his symptoms, as can be seen by his behavior during the time period of the murders, have you done anything else to treat his illness? Or do you believe it to be one of the reasons he is superior to the rest of us?
IC!Hughes: ::does his best to ignore the bit about the bed::
C!Envy: *snerks softly* I am perfectly aware that he has an illness and that it causes him great pain both physically and mentally. I did not wish to press the matter because it tended to upset him, but after last saturday he chose of his own accord to take medication which has vastly aided in his recovery.
IC!Hughes: I see. So it took outside influences to finally get him to take action against this?
IC!Hughes: ::pointed look::
C!Envy: *twisted smile* Actually, I believe the exact phrase was something about his never wanting to see me that upset again.
C!Envy: *beginning to feel a bit light-headed, generally choosing to ignore it*
IC!Hughes: I see. So he really has come to sympathize with you.
C!Envy: *narrows his eyes* Excuse me?
C!Envy: I do not ever remember looking for sympathy.
IC!Hughes: And yet he seems to have come to feel it for you. Despite everything you have done to him.
IC!Hughes: I imagine after seven hundred years you would come to expect that from people you've manipulated, wouldn't you? If you kept more than one of them around long enough.
C!Envy: *growls faintly, still ignoring the growing dizzyness in favor of mounting anger* It just kills you that I am able to experince love, doesn't it?
IC!Hughes: ::glares:: As I said, this is not a matter of my opinions.
IC!Hughes: I am dealing in the facts that I have.
C!Envy: And for your knowledge, this has never happened before. This is the first time since my death that I have experienced anything of this sort and how dare you presume that I have manipulated any of his feelings for me? *shifts forward slightly* I have never forced myself upon him in any way and he was never my captive.
IC!Hughes: You've manipulated his actions before, while he was in a very unstable mental state. It wouldn't be hard to assume that you would do it again, or even that, because you have used him before, he would return to that structure seeking an outlet and relief from what he suffers from.
C!Envy: *bares his teeth slightly, fists clenching* Are you suggesting he is using me?
IC!Hughes: Can't stand being used by a human?
IC!Hughes: I'm not saying it isn't mutual.
C!Envy: *lets out a snarl of rage, leaning up over the desk, fingers clenching and unclenching* You pathetic... You- You presemptuous... *still snarling incoherently under his breath, feeling his dizzyness grow as he does, coherent thoughts slipping and speaking through gritted teeth* You have no idea what you are even speaking of you pathetic ingrate...
IC!Hughes: That's the second time you've called me an ingrate. Where am I wrong? ::noticing that he's weakening... beginning to think that maybe his precautions were not useles after all... wonders briefly why it took so long to work:
C!Envy: *hisses through his teeth* I call you ingrate because of your ingratitude toward me for your continued existence. *spitting the words out*
IC!Hughes: And that is the second time you've made a threat on my life. Are you planning on carrying it out now? Here?
IC!Hughes: ::chides himself for being overconfident... wishes Roy was in the other room to provide backup just in case his secret weapon isn't doing what he thinks it is::
C!Envy: *slowly losing the last shreds of linear thought in favor of the light-headedness, laughing madly and leaning forward to slink up, one knee on the desk, getting as close to Hughes' face as he can and smiling vacantly* Would you like me to kill you?~ I could, you know. Right here. And then it would all be over... *more mad laughter, narrowing his eyes and smiling sweetly, almost seductively at him*
C!Envy: *eyelids flutter and his head almost falls, snapping back up again as a sharp pain rips through his stomach, wincing backward and managing to grate the words out*... What- what did you--
IC!Hughes: ::takes a step back and slips a knife into his hand::
C!Envy: *gets his bearings back, hopping catlike onto the desk, crouching and watching him calculatingly, muttering nonsense under his breath, ignoring the knife*
IC!Hughes: You cannot kill me here. ::smiles a little:: Under the desk is a little present from someone who claims to be your father. Seems he was telling the truth.
IC!Hughes: I knew you'd try something. Anything I said about not playing tricks was off when you broke into my house and threatened me. ::glares:: Sit back down.
C!Envy: *completely disregards everything after the word "father", falling back into a crouch on the desk and springing at him with an enraged cry, landing lightly in front of him and straightening, slowly trying to herd him toward the wall, being distracted by the pain ripping through him, vision going black in places* My- That fucking- How... How- howhow... *fades back into soft, hysterical laughter*
IC!Hughes: ::holds the knife out in front of him, stepping backwards to keep distance between them:: If you try anything in here, Envy, I will kill you until you stay dead. And there is help just outside that door.
IC!Hughes: ::has a feeling the farther from the table they get, the more of his strength will return, so tries to inch around back towards the table::
C!Envy: *head snaps up, tilting it and regarding him with glassy eyes, still backing him up against the wall* Do you know how long that would take? Or even what it would take? *coughs raggedly into his sleeve, leaving a deep red stain* It took this long to work, didn't it? *hysterical snort of laughter, speaking sweetly, almost sing-song, senses completely gone* Do you know how he had my bones? Hmmm?~ *aims a push at him, trying to get him against the wall* It's because that fucking crazy bastard killed me. His own son. *hate steadily growing as his voice gets lower, almost whispering and breathing raggedly* Stabbed me right through the stomach in my sleep and stood over me while I woke up and drowed in my own blood~ *coughs again, red trickle oozing from his mouth* And now he's peddling my remains to you?
IC!Hughes: ::stumbles slightly when he is shoved, but continues making a circle towards the desk... can see that there's very little sense left in him and knows he should switch to the other universe and find Maes-san for backup soon:: You intended to kill me. That bone is self-defense. ::winces at the story, but can offer very little sympathy in this situation::
C!Envy: *follows him with his eyes, turning slowly and lunging for him again, trying to get him pinned to the floor, eyes wild, smile flashing wickedly* I had no intention of killing you, you fucking idiot, but I think I've changed my mind. First I'll kill you, painfully, and then I'll find him... *trying to pin him*
IC!Hughes: ::loses his balance as he is hit and finds himself pinned to the floor, discovering that the bone has not weakened him nearly enough... grits his teeth and tries to stab him with the knife while trying to kick him off:: Liar.
C!Envy: Liar! Oh the nerve. *giggles* I never lie. Didn't I tell you that already? *takes the knife, letting it sink into his chest without even flinching, straddling his hips and holding him in place, smiling madly, sweetly, flicking his tongue over his lips with mock-pity* Awwwh, he gave you a bone, but he really fucked you over, didn't he? Yes, he likes doing that... He does. *leans close to his face* He gave you one just big enough to make me lose control... *take the knife slowly out of his chest, aiming it right back at Hughes, just right of his heart*... and oh! Look what I've gone and done!
IC!Hughes: ::looks down at the knife, somewhat to his credit, only slightly shocked, not yet registering entirely what's happened::
IC!Hughes: ::continues to struggle against him until he remembers, somewhat cloudily, that now is the time he should look for backup... tries to remember what the room is like in Maes-san's universe::
C!Envy: *smiles serenely, blood spattering across his face as he bends low over him, gouging the knife into him methodically, trying not to hit his heart and drag it out, bending over to murmur against his ear soothingly and grinning madly* There... It'll only hurt a moment~ *laughs* Well, okay, a few moments... Or minutes if you wanna make me proud, hm? See? Look how much blood you have... *clawing at the wound, whispering* I just want to tear your heart out... You've tried so hard to do the same to me...
IC!Hughes: ::barely hearing him, between shock and his slowly forming mental picture of the room in the next universe over::
C!Envy: *almost slumped over him, laughing hysterically and continuously, murmuring against his ear* Hateyouhateyouhateyouhateyouhatehimhatehimhateyoukillyoukillyoukill... *tearing fingers into the wound, lifting the knife one more time and plunging it down, severing the artery and clutching for his heart, covered in blood*
IC!Hughes: ::mind almost moving on its own now, shifts towards the other universe, disappearing::
C!Envy: *falls backward as he disappears, crying out and losing his balance in the pool of blood, still clutching the heart, staring at the place Hughes was in disbelief turning rapidly back to burning anger, snarling incoherently, casting around, trying to find him, knowing in the back of his mind that he's really gone*
C!Envy: *scrambles to his feet, feeling a wave of pain shoot through him, doubling over and coughing red ooze onto the floor, keeping a grip on the heart and heading to the opposite side of the room with the two-way mirror, leaning heavily against it, trying to get his breathing steady*
C!Envy: *closes his eyes a second, still seething, muttering* How dare he... How did he do that... Bastard I'll get him back I'll make him pay he can't leave I'll make him see make him hate... *takes a breath and smashes the glasswith an arm, shaking the glass out of his skin and leaping through the hole into the empty room and throwing open the door, tearing down the hall still murmuring*
C!Envy: *makes it down several empty corridors, past closed doors until he finally comes into the main atrium, spotting a man by the door checking a National Alchemist's watch, and makes a beeline for him*
Alchemist: *looks up when he hears the sound of running footsteps, finding himself faced with something covered in blood, clutching a heart... takes a step back, then bolts down the hallway*
C!Envy: *darts after him, catching up quickly and reaching for his arm, putting the heart into his coat pocket and taking out the knife with the freed hand* You. Come with me.
Alchemist: *takes one look at him and gulps, frozen with fear*
C!Envy: *gripping his arm to steer him down the hall toward the back parking lot* You have a car? *still panting slightly*
Alchemist: N-no...
C!Envy: *exhasperated snort* Well do you know where there are some keys to one we can use?
Alchemist: ::stumbling along behind him:: In a box by the door... where are we going?
Officer: ::stops when he sees C!Envy:: What are you doing?!
C!Envy: Great. Lovely. Grab a key and lets go. *shoots him a glare* And don't try to run, I am much, much faster and stronger than you.
C!Envy: *takes no notice of the officer until they're right next to him, leaning over his desk to grab him by the neck and snap his spine* Shut up.
Alchemist: *nods weakly and goes along with him, grabbing a key to one of the military cars, shooting a desperate look towards the officer*
C!Envy: *shoves the officer's body back onto the floor behind the desk and grabs for the alchemist's arm again* Show me to the car.
Alchemist: *shaking, leads the way to the car park*
C!Envy: *follows, running fingers over the pocket containing the heart, wanting constant reassurance that it's still there*
Lieutenant: ::looks out of a second floor window as they walk outside, goes to sound the alarm::
Alchemist: *reaches the car* D-do you want me to drive?
C!Envy: *ignores the alarms and shoves the alchemist toward the car* Yes. Drive, please.
Alchemist: *looks behind them desperately, then turns back to the car and climbs in* Where are we going?
C!Envy: *gets into the passenger seat* Downtown. I'll direct you. Turn left out of the parking lot. *continues to give directions*
Alchemist: *drives*
C!Envy: *directs him to Colin's office* Alright, park here. We're going up those stairs. *points and gets out of the car, waiting for him*
Alchemist: *parks the car and gets out, looks around, trying to figure out where he is and if he can make a break for it... fingers a stick of chalk in his pocket and plans instead to make an escape as soon as there's something to transmute*
C!Envy: *watches him scathingly* Don't even think about trying to get away. I am quite familiar with alchemists. No tricks. Walk. *reaches to drag him up the stairs, digging a key out of his pocket and letting them both in, slamming the door behind them*
Alchemist: *looks around the room, shaking more than he was before, still fingering the chalk:: What do you want?
C!Envy: *Leans back against his desk* You've heard of human transmutation, of course.~
Alchemist: ...
Alchemist: *not sure if he should agree or not*
C!Envy: *smiles winningly* Oh good. Do you have your own chalk or do I need to provide some?
Alchemist: It's impossible.
C!Envy: *looks at him a moment before bursting into hysterical laughter* Ah- you- ha! *calms down after a few moments, straightening up and blinking once, transforming himself into the alchemist's mirror image and back again* Sorry to give you such a shock. Now did you say you needed chalk?
Alchemist: *backs into the door* What are you?
C!Envy: *flashes a grin* Product of human transmutation. Homunculus, is the term. I prefer "post-mortal", actually. Now will you answer my fucking question already?
Alchemist: I... have chalk. *weak, terrified laugh* But the array is hardly common knowledge.
C!Envy: *tilts his head, smiling brightly* Good thing my knowledge is hardly common!~ *laughs insanely at his own joke* Gimme the chalk. *holds out his hand*
Alchemist: *unthinkingly holds out the chalk in his hand*
C!Envy: *snatches it from his hand, going to work on his office floor, humming tunelessly to himself* Don't even try to run, please~
Alchemist: *looks at the door behind him... realizes he's chalkless now and couldn't transmute his way out if he wanted to... curses himself under his breath*
C!Envy: *takes the heart out of his pocket, looking at it blankly a second* Shit. I need the elements... Or a body. *grins, digging through a cabinet and finding some rope, heading over to the alchemist to tie his wrists* Gotta take precautions, you know?
Alchemist: *takes a swing at him in desperation*
C!Envy: *rolls his eyes, deflecting the blow and aiming a good smack at his face* I told you. I'm stronger. Now be good or I'll have to dispose of you and find another alchemist and that'd just be a hassle.
Alchemist: *stunned still*
C!Envy: Good boy. *ties his wrists and then loops the rope through a file cabinet handle, tying it tight and patting his shoulder* Now don't budge~ I'll be back in just a sec. *runs out the door and across the hall into the office there, finding it empty save for one man, and snaps his neck before he can react, hauling him back across the hallway and back into his office, slamming the door again before anyone across the hall notices*
Alchemist: *lets out a whimper when he sees the body, struggles against the rope*
C!Envy: *tosses the body unceremoniously next to the heart, walking over to unti his wrists* Don't worry, didn't feel a thing. Now, then. You knew Lieutenant Colonel Hughes, right?
Alchemist: *looks at him... looks at the heart* Oh my god...
C!Envy: *grins wider* Great, I don't have to waste time explaining myself. Heh, not that I really would... Anyway, I want you to put all your alchemical force into that array and think really hard about the Lieutant Colonel, 'kay?
Alchemist: N-no... I won't.
C!Envy: *crosses his arms petulantly over his chest* Do I have to tear your eyes out?
Alchemist: ... I'll... I'm... *trying to be brave* I die either way.
C!Envy: *frowns* Now who told you that? Human transmutation isn't fatal. Look what my daddy did and he's still lurking around, giving out my bones as party favors. Now shut the fuck up and do as I tell you. Thank you~
Alchemist: *closes his eyes and leans against the cabinet, making a low, pathetic noise* I hate you.
C!Envy: *snorts a laugh* Well there's a surprise. I'm not exactly on a social mission here.
Alchemist: I hope whatever monster I create kills you.
C!Envy: Ah, we can only hope, can't we? *laughs lightly* No get to work or I swear, I will tear your eyes out and make you do it anyway.
Alchemist: ::kneels down next to the array and puts his hands on it, beginning the transmutation::
C!Envy: *stands back, smiling happily and humming to himself*
Alchemist: *yelps as the purple light begins to swirl around him, wavering*
C!Envy: *watches, fascinated with rapt attention*
Alchemist: *feels his strength begin to waver, looks up to see how it is going and finds himself facing the Gate*
C!Envy: *polishes his nails on his sleeve while he's waiting trying to get the blood off them*
Alchemist: *next thing he knows, finds himself lying on his back just oustide the circle as the energy fades*
C!Envy: *looks down at him* Goodness, you're a fright.
Alchemist: *opens his eyes and tries to look at him... tries to look around the room, becoming increasingly panicked*
C!Envy: *winces* Ooho, looks like I spoke a bit too soon about your eyes. Too bad, there. *crouches down next to him, taking out the knife again*
Alchemist: *reaches out towards him* What happened?
C!Envy: *frowns down at him* Mm, looked like the gate took what it wanted and left the rest. Oh well. I can take care of that. *reaches down and slices his throat, ear to ear*
C!Envy: *wipes the fresh blood off his cheek and hands and pockets the knife again, standing up and walking over to the pile of gore, which shudders and gasps faintly, kneeling down and taking out a handful of red stones from his pocket, carefully feeding them into it's mouth and smiling twistedly* Welcome back.