Who: IC!Roy and IC!Hughes
When: 2/19 (Yes... it is THAT old)
Rating: PG
Category: Misc Happenings, Side Plots
Summary: Hughes and Roy are abducted and thrown forward into a time which may or may not be their real future. Cheesiness ensues. Some plot points that may be relevant some day come up. Kind of. Maybe. I don't even remember.
Lieutenant: ::waiting outside a conference room in the hallway off of the Fuhrer's office; checks his watch and peers inside:: Sirs, this way, if you please. The Fuhrer will see you.
IC!Hughes: ::a bit startled, looks around the room, could've sworn he was just in his study... spots Roy and shoots him a rather confused glance::
IC!Roy: *has no idea what's going on himself, and is actually kind of scared; wondering if the Fuhrer's going to quietly off them*
Lieutenant: Come along, only so many hours in the day. ::looks between the two of them, looking just a little unnerved; holds the door open::
Future!Roy: *doing his best to look intimidating behind his intimidating desk*
IC!Hughes: ::instinctively waits for Roy to make a decision, still trying to size up the situation::
IC!Roy: .... *takes a deep breath and walks inside; will face death like a man!*
IC!Hughes: ::follows, lagging behind somewhat, trying to figure out what about them is bothering the lieutenant::
Future!Roy: I hear there's been some excitement happening?
IC!Hughes: ::looks up at the man behind the desk, tries not to gape in the three seconds it takes him to assume they're in an alternate dimension:: ... You were expecting us?
Future!Socrates: ::standing not far behind F!Roy, looks at Hughes with a slight smirk::
Future!Roy: Now, then, do you think I could do this job if I wasn't?
IC!Roy: *caught between disbelief and utter glee; sure it's not HIM him as Fuhrer, but, damnit, he's Fuhrer*
IC!Hughes: ::glances over at Roy, then back at his alternate, a bit put off at having the impersonal snobbery directed at him:: I don't think the two are necessarily related. How'd you know we were coming?
Future!Roy: *smirks* I suppose I should welcome you to the future?
IC!Roy: ...Wait, wait, wait. *holds his hands infront of him distrustfully* That's not how it works.
IC!Hughes: ::looks around the office, then focuses on Roy's "future" alternate, can't help looking skeptical, but knows in the back of his mind that it's probably true... tries not to think too hard about how that means he knows this was going to happen, which means this is certainly their future... feels like he's going to get a headache thinking about it soon enough::
IC!Roy: The universe skips demensions, not times.
Future!Socrates: This is not an action of your universe. Such "skips" as you call them are no longer in effect here.
IC!Roy: *feels as if there are no longer any reliable constants*
Future!Roy: So, as such, you are in the future.
IC!Hughes: ::trying to focus on one thing at a time:: What fixed the dimensions?
Future!Roy: Mmm... I don't think I should tell you that. It might change that, and that's one change I don't want to happen.
IC!Hughes: That implies I had something to do with it.
Future!Roy: Not necessarily. It just means you might find a way to influence it if you tried hard enough.
IC!Hughes: ::tries not to glare:: And I'd prevent it from getting fixed?
Future!Socrates: ::crosses his arms:: You would have your reasons.
IC!Hughes: ::feeling a bit singled-out::
IC!Roy: ....so, if you were expecting us, do you know why we're here?
IC!Hughes: ::finally lets it dawn that it's the homunculus standing behind Roy... in uniform... wonders how that came to pass... has a bad feeling about this future::
Future!Roy: You're here mainly because we don't like this future very much.
Future!Roy: It's turned into a big mess, and I don't think anything you did differently could make it worse.
IC!Hughes: You brought us here. How?
Future!Roy: How you got here isn't important.
IC!Hughes: As far as I can tell, we just appeared in that room. And I don't think the foyer is a time machine.
IC!Hughes: ::can't help it, keeps glancing over at Socrates::
Future!Socrates: Do not look at me as if I was the cause of any of this. I am here because I am a stand-in for you.
Future!Roy: *glances over at Socrates* You know I don't think of you as a stand-in anymore.
IC!Roy: So what happened to Hughes? *looks over at Hughes accusingly*
Future!Socrates: ::remains silent on the matter::
IC!Hughes: ::remains silent as well, mostly because he doesn't know::
Future!Roy: He disappeared. I don't think he's dead, but if he isn't that makes it worse.
IC!Hughes: Hmm. ::not sure what to make of this::
IC!Roy: *gives Hughes a Look* I hope you're not thinking of pulling something like that.
IC!Hughes: ::returns the Look:: I'm not planning on it.
Future!Hughes: ::pushes the door open, in his PI alias and looking rather harassed:: Hello. ::barely gives Hughes and Roy a glance and proceeds to Roy's desk::
Future!Hughes: Glad to see you're wasting time. Do you have the release for the conference with Drachma next week?
Future!Roy: *frowns almost imperceptably* I had those done this morning. I do believe I have leave to have a conference with people without it being declared 'wasting time'. Is there anything important you needed?
IC!Hughes: ::forces himself to look as blank as possible::
Future!Roy: *jackassjackassjackass*
Future!Socrates: ::watching Hughes closely::
IC!Roy: *not exactly pleased that he's been more or less called a waste of time*
Future!Hughes: They look like a waste of time. And no one's seen those papers. Finishing them doesn't count if they just sit on your desk.
IC!Roy: *not pleased he's now officially been called a waste of time*
Future!Roy: Blame someone for not picking them up. I have too much to do to be my own gopher.
IC!Hughes: ::not pleased to see that this is the way things have gone... starting to honestly hope this is some sort of show they're putting on for his benefit, but imagines Socrates would betray that::
Future!Hughes: Well, Fuhrer, you could order someone to be your gopher now, couldn't you.
Future!Hughes: ::reaches over the desk and grabs for the papers::
IC!Hughes: ::hoping, perhaps, for some sign that this is at least teasing...::
Future!Roy: I think I lose my gophers because they're afraid they'll run into your bright, sunshiney disposition.
Future!Hughes: I reserve all my cheeriness for you, sir.
Future!Roy: I should have known.
IC!Roy: *wonders if dealing with people like that is in the Fuhrer job description*
Future!Hughes: It's a wonder you haven't started more wars. ::takes the papers::
Future!Roy: It hasn't been for a lack of them trying.
IC!Roy: *not liking the sound of his future duties one bit; wars? plural??*
IC!Hughes: ::working on convincing himself that he couldn't possibly keep up an act like that. maybe it's someone who looks like the PI::
Future!Hughes: I'm sure the paperwork's just backed up in the system. ::turns to face Hughes and Roy:: It's not worth bothering.
IC!Hughes: ::scowls:: We can judge that for ourselves.
Future!Hughes: ::smirks, treating them both to a condescending look:: I'm sure you'll do an excellent job of it.
IC!Roy: I'm sure we will.
Future!Roy: *resisting the strong urge to claw at his desk*
IC!Hughes: ::considering blowing his future self's cover just to spite him::
Future!Hughes: ::looks directly at Hughes, pretending to answer Roy's question:: You won't.
Future!Hughes: Trust me, I can tell.
IC!Roy: We'll be sure to start reccomending you to people if your omens bear any fruit.
Future!Hughes: Good. Look me up in your time, I remember being thrilled the first time we met. ::rolls his eyes and heads for the door::
IC!Roy: *makes a note to never look him up*
IC!Roy: .... *waaaaait*
IC!Hughes: ::stares after him, figuring he's allowed to look confused now. not sure his future self made that slip-up intentionally, or if Roy would even have noticed::
IC!Roy: ...so he's in on this too?
Future!Socrates: Ostensibly. Roy, when you are done talking to them, there is something I would like to tell you.
Future!Roy: I think we're nearly finished. *looks at Roy and Hughes* If changing the future can get me out of the hands of that piece of work, I'd be delighted.
IC!Hughes: I think I've seen enough. What do you want us to do?
IC!Roy: We think the addition of a variable, you *points to Hughes*, and the hopeful subtraction of one variable, that *points at door*, will be enough stear the course of history in a slightly different direction. Hopefully altering it enough that the surrounding nations that Bradley pissed off won't take it as an opportunity to attack.
IC!Hughes: And if he bothers you so much, why do you keep that 'piece of work' close?
Future!Roy: Aerugo.
IC!Hughes: ::doesn't like the implication that these wars are somehow his fault:: I'm sure you remember how hard it is to change the past.
Future!Roy: I'm hoping it won't be quite so hard if you're living it.
Future!Roy: Especially in key positions.
IC!Hughes: If this can happen, someone's always living it.
Future!Roy: *shrugs* It's a chance worth taking either way.
Future!Roy: If it doesn't change... I don't lose anything that I haven't already lost.
Future!Roy: If it changes for the worst, chances are I'll be dead by now.
IC!Hughes: Why'd you bring Roy here, too?
Future!Roy: Motivation.
IC!Roy: It looks motivating enough.
IC!Hughes: ::still annoyed at Roy's future version:: What year is it?
Future!Roy: It's 1924.
IC!Hughes: There's no way anyone in this dimension has invented a time machine so quickly. And, wherever you got it, using up whatever time you should be using to fix this stupid country, you have no right to dig us out of the past and toy with us like this. ::glares:: No matter how much you've ruined your own situation.
Future!Roy: *frowns* No one said a thing about inventing a time machine. *throws his hands in the air* Alright, it's my own fault I became the leader of this country, the very act of which drove no small amount of people to attack us. I think I've done fairly well dealing with that. The country still stands with its borders intact.
IC!Hughes: You shouldn't have taken control until you had those factions on your own side.
IC!Hughes: Any idiot, including myself, knows that. It wouldn't have been hard.
Future!Roy: Because everyone always adheres to under-the-table arrangements.
IC!Hughes: A good number of them do when it still benefits them to stay true.
Future!Roy: A good number of them thought the idea of exacting revenge on a country while the power structure was still new brought the best benefit.
IC!Hughes: That's why the power structure needs to be changed slowly. Did you listen to anything I ever told you?
IC!Hughes: ::gives his proper Roy a semi-desperate look, hoping he at least sees this::
Future!Roy: It would have helped if you were there to tell me. As it was, there wasn't time.
IC!Roy: *looking back and forth between the verbal sparring match*
IC!Hughes: There was always time. You were watching, this shouldn't have snuck up on you.
Future!Roy: Being watchful doesn't make me invulnerable.
IC!Hughes: You said you were keeping an eye on things. You said you'd let met know. What went wrong?
Future!Roy: What went wrong. *snorts* A lot of things went wrong. By that point you weren't around anymore.
IC!Hughes: That's no excuse!
Future!Roy: And I wasn't smart enough to ask for his help right away. *motions to Socrates*
IC!Hughes: You should've been having him help you from the start!
IC!Hughes: You don't let an advantage like that just... slip through your fingers.
Future!Roy: Yes, I should have. Hindsight's ever perfect, yes?
IC!Hughes: Foresight for me, isn't it?
IC!Hughes: Whatever you and my future self... wherever he is, have done, you deserve this. For whatever you've done to each other to make things this bad.
IC!Hughes: ::sighs... no longer cares that he's completely lost his temper in front of both Roys::
IC!Roy: *feeling rather relieved, actually*
Future!Roy: Then I guess we're done here. *nods, satisfied*
IC!Hughes: You're a complete bastard.
Future!Roy: *smirk*
IC!Roy: I'm glad that at least hasn't changed.
IC!Hughes: Yes, well, be careful who it rubs off on.
IC!Hughes: Now, can you actually send us back, or do you have to wait for whatever divine intervention got us here?
Future!Roy: ...erm.. oh, what was it we were supposed to do when we were done... *looks through the notes on his desk*
IC!Hughes: ::raises an eyebrow::
IC!Roy: *rubs a temple*
Future!Socrates: It said to send up the flare.
Future!Roy: Oh, yes! ...now where did I put that.. *starts hunting through his drawers, pulling out secret compartments left and right*
Future!Roy: Ah, here it is. *pulls out bright purple tube*
IC!Hughes: ::having trouble not discrediting this entire experience::
IC!Hughes: ::glances over at Roy::
IC!Roy: *staring at the tube* ...why is it purple?
Future!Socrates: Because it matches my eyes. ::looking completely serious::
IC!Hughes: ...
Future!Roy: *was about to fire it, but instead has himself a good laugh*
IC!Roy: ... That makes more sense than it should.
IC!Hughes: ::no, still rendered generally speechless... and exhausted from his brief shouting match::
IC!Roy: *glances over at Hughes*
Future!Roy: *gets himself under control* All right. *fires the flare up at a slight angle; if it hits the ceiling instead of going into the 5th dimension he doesn't want plaster coming down on his desk*
IC!Hughes: ::glances back::
Future!Socrates: ::watches the two of them disappear:: You are sure they were from our past?
Future!Roy: They were ...though we might have just created another parallel universe. I haven't ceased existing, and I'd like to think the reports on my desk would suddenly be more optimistic.
Future!Socrates: Then there is something you should know. Do you recall asking me if I knew Adam Flynn?
Future!Roy: *nods slowly*
Future!Socrates: I said I did not know because the matter was not certain, but I am quite certain now that he is Hughes.
Future!Roy: ....I'll kill him.
Future!Socrates: Should we see if we can recall your past version and let him know?
Future!Roy: *ponders* After that speech Hughes gave... if he still goes on to be that asshole he's not worth it. *feeling very very bitter*
Future!Socrates: ::nods:: All right. Before you kill him, however, perhaps it would be best to know his motivations. Hughes did not betray him, he betrayed himself.
Future!Roy: What makes you make this distinction?
Future!Socrates: Hughes did not tell you what his future self had done, though I do believe he recognized him. This shows that he would understand himself having motivation to make such a decision in the future. It was--I will call him Adam for the sake of clarity--Adam's words that betrayed him to be Hughes. That he would have simply assumed that the two of them were from the past is exceedingly unlikely.
Future!Roy: I knew there was something in that conversation that was rubbing me wrong, but I was too worked up from his badgering to catch it.
Future!Socrates: I believe that may have been his goal.
Future!Roy: ...I'm at least breaking something. Preferably his nose.
Future!Socrates: I will not stop you.
--Switch Back!--
IC!Hughes: ::suddenly finds himself back in Central, in the park... looks around to make sure no one saw him appear from thin air and then flops down on a nearby park bench, staring out at the duck pond::
IC!Roy: *momentarily disoriented; misplaces a foot and finds himself on his back in the grass*
IC!Roy: ... Well.
IC!Hughes: ::looks over at him:: ... Did that actually just happen?
IC!Roy: *looks up at him* If it didn't, then I have no idea how I got here.
IC!Hughes: ... Me neither.
IC!Hughes: ::shakes his head:: Wow.
IC!Roy: So, I guess the question here is do we act on what we found out?
IC!Roy: I'm for "yes". I don't like the idea of dealing with a mass attack.
IC!Hughes: It looks to me like the moral of the story is not to be an idiot. Not answering "yes" to your question is probably the first step in being one. ::smirks just a little and leans back on the bench::
IC!Roy: *reaches over and pats his foot* Good. I would have had to pat your foot harder than that if you'd said anything else. ...ugh, I think I landed on a rock.
IC!Hughes: Hmm.
IC!Hughes: Roy, knowing perfectly well this is going to sound cheesy, I want you to know that I'm going to be around to see this through. Properly. No matter what.
IC!Hughes: Don't forget that.
IC!Roy: *pushes himself up gingerly, pulling a small-ish rock from underneath him and chucking it into the pond* I'm happy to hear you say that. ...I was worried.
IC!Hughes: Don't be.
IC!Hughes: ::sighs, watches the clouds... not sure what else to say::
IC!Roy: *scoots and leans against Hughes leg, it being far more comfortable than the bench*
IC!Hughes: ::a bit surprised, looks down and kicks at him a bit, teasingly::
IC!Roy: Be still like a good backrest. *smirks*
IC!Hughes: Only if it's actually going to prevent a war.
IC!Roy: Small steps, Maes.
IC!Hughes: ::decides it's still best to leave him in the dark about the PI alias, vows not to be stupid about it:: Small steps...
IC!Hughes: ::reaches down and messes up his hair:: We're lucky it's almost warm out today.
IC!Roy: *smiles a bit* I'm feeling lucky that there's no snow, otherwise being down here would be very unlpleasant.
IC!Hughes: Maybe that's the trade-off for the bad luck of landing on that rock. ::smirk::
IC!Roy: Good trade-off. *nods*