04/16/07 // IC!Alfons and NPC IC!Ed!H

Apr 16, 2007 22:23

Who: IC!Alfons and NPC IC!Ed!H
When: 04/16/07
Rating: G
Category: Misc Happenings, Misc Pairings
Summary: Here we take a peak into what Alfons is doing while he's away hanging out with his brother.

IC!Ed!H: ::sitting at the cramped desk in a corner of their dorm, pouring over various formulas and chewing on the end of his pen thoughtfully::

IC!Alfons: ::nudges the door open with his foot, having just returned with mugs of tea for both of them, and smiles across the room at him:: Any luck with that yet?

IC!Ed!H: ::glances up distractedly with a sigh:: No... It all seems to be right, but all of the tests we've done have proved that wrong. I just don't know where the problem is. ::frowns down at the paper::

IC!Alfons: Hmm. ::sets the mugs down on the desk and looks over the paper:: There has to be an error in here somewhere, though... Well, either that, or the models are flawed... But I doubt that is the case. ::frowns, then pulls up a chair and picks up a mug, blowing at the tea a little::

IC!Ed!H: ::marks a few bits of the formula to go back and check later, then sets the pen down:: I think I may just be tired. Eh... ::small, sheepish smile:: I've been working on it all day. ::takes his own mug of tea, having a sip::

IC!Alfons: ::chuckles a little:: You have been, I know. I can take a look at it tomorrow, maybe it just needs a bit of a rest for now. Kind of like you probably do. ::grins a little and sips at his tea::

IC!Ed!H: Mm, yes, well... I think that might be hard with you around. ::grins:: I have to live in fear of being tickled or being on the receiving end of a wet wash cloth!

IC!Alfons: Well. You are safe right now. Heaven forbid I risk spilling the tea. ::grins, then scoots his chair just close enough to give Ed a quick peck on the top of his head::

IC!Ed!H: ::blushes, but leans into him ever so slightly:: That would be an honest-to-goodness tragedy, let me tell you, dear little brother. ::laughs:: And you can stop using your height to your advantage! Just because you think I'm a small, Mexican llama...

IC!Alfons: ::grins:: Which apparently is so ingrained into your brain that you will bring it up yourself, now. Goodness, what have I done? ::more tea, mmm::

IC!Ed!H: You're a terrible, terrible influence. I just want you to know that. ::nods, sipping nonchalantly at his tea, eyebrows quirked::

IC!Alfons: ::chuckles a little:: Who would have thought? ::smiles at him over the rim of the mug::

IC!Ed!H: Well apparently not me. ::hesitates a moment before kissing his cheek quickly, blushing more and having to lean up a fair bit to do so::

IC!Alfons: ::blushes a little as well and leans against him a bit:: Apparently not, no. ::glances sideways, making sure he remembered to close the door; is relieved to find that yes, he did::

IC!Ed!H: ::glances at the door as well and almost visibly relaxes, sighing faintly, then sips at his tea again::You really wouldn't mind looking over the formulas tomorrow?

IC!Alfons: No, of course not. I think I will have a bit of time to do so, before I need to head back to the physics laboratory. Supposedly there is something wrong with the shape of the nose cone on number five, so I thought I might just try and find a better shape entirely instead of fixing the one that is on there. ::shrugs::

IC!Ed!H: ::nods, thinking:: Maybe I could come down and take a look at it with you? Lord knows I don't want to have to go back down to my section of the lab and tell them that my troubleshooting went awry. ::wry smile::

IC!Alfons: ::grins, nodding a little:: I would love for you to come, you could help me out. And then we can both go and try and figure out what happened with your little project here. Maybe by that time I will have it figured out. I hope. ::finishes his tea, then sighs softly and snuggles against his brother, smiling::

IC!Ed!H: I'm a scientist and I can't troubleshoot my own math! What will my colleagues think? ::uts an arm around his waist, blushing again, and rests his head on Alfons' shoulder::

IC!Alfons: Oh, I think it will be alright. We work better as a team than alone, anyway. You have such a mind for the practical side of the actual engineering, anyway. All I can do is the theory. ::smiles softly, nuzzling the top of his head:: And nobody does this sort of work alone, anyway. So I hardly mind helping you with the math.

IC!Ed!H: Well no... I don't expect any of us could have gotten anything done on our own. ::snuggles under his chin, setting his mug of tea on the table, being careful of all of his papers:: And if it weren't for your wonderful theories, at least, we wouldn't have gotten anywhere, little brother. Don't sell yourself short. ::grins::

IC!Alfons: ::runs a hand up into his brother's hair, scratching the back of his head a little:: If you say so... ::smiles::

IC!Ed!H: ::ractically melts:: Nnh... I'm older. Of course I say so.

IC!Alfons: ::laughs a little, enjoying his reactions, and traces fingers down the back of his neck lightly:: If only that sort of argument worked in the real world. ...Or if only I could pull that for being taller than... a lot of people.

IC!Ed!H: ::shivers, laughing:: You're a giant! You're supposed to be my little brother. ::okes him in the side playfully::

IC!Alfons: ::squirms and bats at his hand, laughing as well:: It is not my fault you are a midget!

IC!Ed!H: I am not a midget! I only seem a midget from way up there! ::sticks his tongue out::

IC!Alfons: ::laughs, then puts both arms around his waist and pulls him close, sighing softly and smiling:: Well, you are a very cute midget, at least.

IC!Ed!H: ::laughs, ducking his head and blushing:: ...And, it appears, I am travel sized. At least to giants. ::grins a little, snuggling::

IC!Alfons: Indeed, travel sized. Or... What do they call it, in American sweets? "Fun sized"? ::laughs::

IC!Ed!H: "Bite sized," maybe? ::chuckles:: Though I'm not a tasty snack, hardly.

IC!Alfons: Hmm, no. I suppose not. ::smiles and nuzzles the top of his head:: That would be a bit unfortunate.

IC!Ed!H: ::smiles and returns the nuzzling against his throat:: Mm, yes, it would be. Especially to have my career ended so early eaten by an American child. ::makes a face::

IC!Alfons: ::shivers a little, then laughs, squeezing him a bit:: I am glad not to have to worry about that, then.

IC!Ed!H: ::squirms a little at the squeeze, curling closer with a small yawn:: I wouldn't want to have to leave you, little brother.

IC!Alfons: No, nor would I want you to leave me. ::smiles softly and hugs him:: Where would I be without you?

IC!Ed!H: ::hugs him back, eyes closed and smiling:: I ask myself the same thing. Er, where I would be without you, I mean.

IC!Alfons: ::laughs a little, then blushes and ducks down to kiss him softly:: Love you, Brother...

IC!Ed!H: ::kisses back, blushing as well and rubbing their noses together affectionately:: Love you...

IC!Alfons: ::smiles softly and holds him close once more with a sigh, closing his eyes::

npc:ic!ed heiderich, ic!alfons, log

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