(no subject)

Dec 27, 2004 14:55

Basics About You..
What's your full name? Laura Elena Garcia

When is your birthday? May 2

Where were you born? Corpus Christi
Where do you live? cc
What is your living arrangement? umm.. both parents.. bro's in Austin
How old are you? 14
What color hair do you have? brunette
What color eyes do you have? dark brown

Do you have siblings? a bro
Do you have pets? penny and potter.. mah puppies :)
Are you a boy or girl? girl
What is your nickname(s)? mostly la, lada, enchilada, lala pants
How tall are you? about 5'3
Are you right or left handed? right..
What does your screen name mean? uhmm... idk i made it a long time ago. i think i took a quiz about what care bear i am..

How many do you have? 1
What are they? luvalotbear711
What is your personality like? uhmmm.. a lot of different things

Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend?yeah, boyfriend

If so, who? Stephen :)
If so, how long have y'all been together? like 3 months... hehe
What does your boyfriend/girlfriend/crush look like? umm..HOTT!! everything about him is awesome :D

What is your favorite feature about him/her? not just one thing... i like all of 'em!!!
How long do you think y'all will be together? hopefully a long while
Who was your first kiss? andrew
Who was your first 'puppy love'? bennett
wow this is embarassing - ummm..i don't want to say but it was in 8th grade
Who was your first love if you've been in love, of course? well..i guess bennett

In the future..
What do you want to be when you get out of school? something in the medical field (minus all the blood stuff haha)
What college do you go to/want to go to? idk i guess UT
What kind of house do you want to live in? regular sized house.. lol it's not that great
What kind of car do you want to drive? truck

How many kids do you want to have? 1 or 2..
How many boys? 1 or 2
How many girls? 1
What will your kids names be? umm.. dk yet
What will your hobbies be? ???
Where do you want to live? hmmm somewhere else in texas
How old do you want to be when you get married? 22-25
What kind of wedding do you want? a fairytale one :)
How do you want to die? not painful
How old do you want to be when you die? 90.. if i live that long

In the past..
What was the last movie you saw? on dvd- princess diaries 2, in the movies- lemony snicket
What was the last thing you said? happy birthday daddy!

Who was the last person you talked to on the phone? kristin
Who was the last person you talked to online? kristin.. again
What is your most missed memory? elementary school and a part of middle school
What did you do last night? spent the night at amanda's with kristin... fun time

What is your favorite past time? hmm i really dk
Have you ever drank? yeah but a little bit
Have you ever smoked? nope, never want to
Have you ever done drugs? no
Have you ever been in love? i thought i was but how am i supposed to know
Have you ever broken anything? i think i have broken my toe before idk hehe
Have you ever played an instrument? nope, i'd suck
Have you ever been in band? no
In the past month, have you been on a date? yup
In the past month, have you made out with someone? :)
In the past month, have you been dumped? no
In the past month, have you died your hair? yeah.. back to my root color
In the past month, have you gone skinny dipping? lol no it's december
Have you ever been drunk? nope
Have you ever played strip poker or strip 'anything'? hehe no

What do you look for in the opposite sex? awesome personality, good looks, nice body, nice hands!, has to understand me, has to be funny and silly, fun to hang out with, athletic
Long hair or short hair? hmmm.. short but not tooo short lol
Blonde or Brunette? brunette
What color eyes are best? hmmm.. hazel's nice, brown, green
Tan or white? tan or not too white lol
Boxers or briefs? boxers are hott
Athletic or smart? has to be both
Older or younger? older
Taller or shorter? taller
Bigger or Smaller? bigger
Built or Average? hmmm... not too built
What heritage? doesn't matter to me
What kind of morals should they have? hmm. idk ... good ones
What are your favorite types of clothing on the opposite sex? hmmm...ae clothes?
What is the first thing you look at in the opposite sex? eyes

Who is your best friend(s)? hmm.. michelle, krissy
What do you look for in your friends? fun!!, funny, silly
Who is your most trustworthy friend? dk.. michelle
Who is your hottest friend? haha guy or girl?
Who is your prettiest friend? we're all pretty :)
Who is your most outgoing friend? hmmm.. don't know
Do you trust people easily? no.. it takes time for me to trust 'em

Who is your funniest friend? everyone is!
Who is your ugliest friend? i  don't think any of my friends are

Who is your biggest enemy? don't have any
Who is your smartest friend? michelle
Who is your most athletic friend? lauren or jessica
Who is your best AOL friend? hmmm... krissy

Who is your friend that lives farthest away? amanda!! all the way across town
Who would you trust with your life? hmmm. i don't know

Which is better..
coke/pepsi? pepsi
movies/dvds? dvds
playstation/nintendo? nintendo.. reminds me of playin wiff mah bro
computer/phone? both
tv/radio? radio
car/truck? truck!
pool/ocean? pool.. there isn't anything that will come up and bite ya!
hot tub/pool? hot tub
first kiss/first love? both are great... i'd choose love
mcdonalds/whataburger? whataburger
single date/group date? both...

adidas/nike? nike
chocolate/vanilla? both
cappucino/frapucino? don't really like 'em
peperroni/hamburger? hamburger

fries/burgers? fries!!
summer/winter? summer... i don't like being cold!!
school/summer? summer! love being lazy.. what i do best :)
reeses/m&ms? m&ms
AOL/AIM? aim
cat/dog? i've always wanted a kitty.. i guess i like dogs better
weekend/weekday? weekend
day/night? night!!
sleep/awake? sleep!!!!!!! i could do it allll day
Disney World/Disney Land? world
Fiesta Texas/Schlitterbahn? both!
South Padre/Cancun? cancun
Garner/South Padre? never been to garner.. don't know

pencil/pen? pencil
silver/gold? silver!!
short/tall? tall
Mario/Luigi? mario
cry/laugh? laugh!!
belch/burp? burp
Minnie/Mickey? mickey
Nickelodeon/Disney? disney
MTV/CMT? mtv mostly, cmt sometimes
old/young? young
hugs/kisses? love 'em both
relationships/one night stands? relationships
happy endings/scary movies? both
cool/kewl? cool!

Colors? greeeeen!
Gum? ummm.. bubblelicious
Movie? love a lot of 'em
Actor? i dk
Actress? same as above
Song? tiger lily by matchbook romance
Soda? dr. pepper, sprite. pepsi
TV show? laguna beach!!
TV channel? 28
Clothing Brand? umm.. ae
Shopping store? ae
Shoe brand? converse
Day of the Week? saturday
Month? may :)
Holiday? christmas
Flavor? vanilla

Sport to play? volleyball
Sport to watch? football
Cartoon? don't watch shows but movies ummm all the disney ones!
Beach? umm.. dk
Winnie the Pooh character? pooooh or piglet

Nintendo game? zelda.. hehe
Radio station? 103.7, 102.3
Band? don't have a favorite right now
Board game? life i guess

Can you swim? yah
Do you like to? not really

Do you sleep with a stuffed animal? used to
What is your biggest wish? hmmm.. there are a lot
What is your biggest fear? heights, dying

Would you have cosmetic surgery?  i don't think i would
Do you like to dance? with my friends when i'm not shy

Do you drink? no
Do you smoke? NO!
Do you do any kind of drugs? nooooo
Do you believe in God? YESS!
Are you mad at anyone? no, don't get mad much
What are you wearing right now? pj pants and a hollister shirt i got from my mommy for xmas!
How many people are online right now on your buddylist? 27
How many people are online right now on your buddylist that DON'T have their away message on? 11
What is the last 4 digits of your house phone? 3376
What is the last 4 digits of you cell phone? 1999
What is your name backwards? arual
What are you listenin' to right now? nothing
How are you today? hmmm... tired and kinda sick.. other than that i'm okay
What's on your mind? hmm.. taking a nap

Who is on your mind right now? stephen :)

done. :D

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