hey! i would really enjoy see the rest of your graphics because they seem super adorabke. and we both like some of the same bands such as all time low and the maine. add meeee?
Hi! I would know if that you disturbed if I translated a few of your tutos in French and that I put this translations on my LJ. Of course it there was a link for your LJ
yo olivia, its ana on her rp account. and since i'm lazy, im adding you so i can read your journal without using the effort to log into my journal to look at your friends onlyness. soooo. HI. add me back or... you die. xD
Hi Olivia! *waves* You have the coolest taste in music on the toptentunes community... so I'm stalking you. Kidding!
But I didn't know that you made graphics and tuts and stuff, that's awesome! I got frustrated with Photoshop and then the trial expired so I'm not planning to go down that avenue myself. :)
Anyway, thought I'd give you a heads up that I'm adding you. ^-^
Comments 91
i would really enjoy see the rest of your graphics because they seem super adorabke.
and we both like some of the same bands such as all time low and the maine.
add meeee?
But I post my tutorials here and every thing else here (members only and I share it with a friend). ;)
Just thought I'd add you.
I would know if that you disturbed if I translated a few of your tutos in French and that I put this translations on my LJ.
Of course it there was a link for your LJ
But I didn't know that you made graphics and tuts and stuff, that's awesome! I got frustrated with Photoshop and then the trial expired so I'm not planning to go down that avenue myself. :)
Anyway, thought I'd give you a heads up that I'm adding you. ^-^
I'm really into that. I'm a Photoshop nerd, I guess you could say. I love making stuff for it, ha.
Added you back!
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