All of these Graphic- and tutorial-making tips are just things I suggest. If they don't work, sorry, they're just suggestions. These tips are to no one in particular; I just wanted to show you some basic things I usually do for my graphics and/or tutorials. Here we go!
Making Tutorials (when starting off from scratch on your result!)
+ Have a mental image of what your tutorial product will look like, or know what you're aiming for. Usually, when I don't have one, it doesn't end up the greatest way. You can simply think about increasing hues of red, or brightening up the image, just try to have a mental image in mind!
+ If you aren't going to have a mental image, just play around with your tools and be open to possibilities. If something looks bad when you first do it, don't delete it right away: play around a little more. Sometimes a tutorial (coloring, mostly) may look horrible when you start out, but it might look amazing when you continue! (If it doesn't, just go back and delete it!)
+ Experiment with different base images. A tutorial might look terrible on one image, but it could look fantastic on another! It's happened before to me...multiple times!
+ Get inspired! Look at other tutorials and maybe you'll get a little inspiration from them. Some of my tutorials got inspiration from others that were not alike in any way, so don't think only "amazing" tutorials give you inspiration.
+ Be calm and/or happy while creating a tutorial. Usually I get best results.
+ SAVE IT AS A .PSD FILE (or word document for those who have other programs) ON YOUR COMPUTER WHERE YOU CAN FIND IT WHEN YOU'RE DONE! Seriously! I'm not even kidding!
+ Don't expect something amazing to pop up and don't start worrying about if anyone will like it. If they do, they do and if they don't, they don't! You can worry about that later.
+ Don't be limited to just what you're used to. Play around with things: it doesn't hurt!
+ Don't get too "inspired." Copying/stealing is really stupid and anyone who does it needs to get a life. If you think you got overly inspired, give them credit, just in case. (As in, inspired by userwhoever)
+ Don't make your tutorial fifty steps long! Nobody has the time or patience for a tutorial that long.
+ Don't immediately save your tutorial when it looks good. Play around with it some more and see if you can improve it any way.
+ Don't think people won't notice if you steal/copy/redestribute. People aren't stupid. You might think so, but they're not.
+ Don't steal. Don't copy. Don't redestribute. Jeez!
Posting Tutorials (when you're done making them)
+ Give more examples. It might look better with other images in other peoples' opinions.
+ Say which images look best with the tutorial. It helps people, it saves time, and usually causes a few questions less to answer for you ;)
+ Make sure all credits you need to give (bases, inspiration, textures, brushes, etc.) are given properly. It is not fun to have makers' friends and fans hating and bugging you!
+ Give details and try to explain to your best ability. Give pictures of how the image should look for certain steps (although you don't see that too often anymore) or take screencaps (press "Print Screen" on your keyboard) of what the steps, values, etc.
+ Mention at the end that you will answer any questions or problems if there are any.
+ Encourage members to join your community or friend you!
+ Include a .psd in the entry or offer one if they comment and ask for it (screen your comment). Say it's in your journal/community (provide the link, of course) or tell them to ask for it there. This gets you more comments where you want them: in your journal/community. This also lets lazy people try your tutorial out (who isn't lazy these days?!).
+ Cross post at other communities such as
resourcelove or
psd_tuts (if you include a .psd file). This will get them to see your tutorial, rather than have only stalkers, that look on your journal every five seconds or your user info, see it.
+ Comment back to users with questions (or comments)!
+ Don't write like you're drunk. Write in eligible English (or whatever language your tutorial is in) and avoid using IM slangs nobody knows of (omgisaiasefsay!), writing in caps lock or switching (HoW aRe YoU tOdAy?), etc.
+ Don't force others to friend or join your community/journal!
+ Don't make your tutorials members only unless you have tons of friends/members!
+ Don't get mad if you don't get many comments, downloads, etc. Just work harder!
+ Don't expect everyone to know what they're doing. There are some people, that are just starting off, that like your tutorial, too, so maybe you should give it a shot and explain it to them if they ask, or, even better, post simple instructions from the start!
+ Don't make your tutorial in teeny tiny fonts or in super bright colors so no one will be able to see. Also, don't put everything in bold, italics, underlined, or strike out, since this looks really annoying.
+ Don't forget to credit anyone!
+ Don't act annoyed or be rude to anyone if they ask a question! You were a newb once, too.
+ Again I say: Don't steal. Don't copy. Don't redestribute.
Hope this helped...even a little :P