Jul 28, 2009 11:35


1) Stay active! Members should post for or be in-thread with each of their characters at least once every RP day (typically every two weeks). If you are unable to post or will be slow to tag due to RL, please comment on the absences post or contact a mod privately. Inactivity without contact could result in your being removed, with or without warning. Activity checks will be run monthly to remind you of characters' status.

2) You may play up to four characters. There are special circumstances where you may play a temporary character, such as an OC or needed character (see: omg_temp), for a short period of time. If you are unable to stay active with all four, you may be asked to drop one or more characters. OCs or omg_temp characters are to be used on a temporary basis, not to be used for recurring characters. There are to be NO recurring OC characters.

3) Keep IC and OOC seperate. If you have a conflict with another player, do not bring it into the game. Work it out with the player or contact a mod if you aren't comfortable contacting them directly. Bring OOC conflicts into the game will not be tolerated, and could result in your being removed from the game.

4) Use an LJ-cut for excessive swearing, violence, disturbing themes, and/or sexual content. Please put a warning on explicit posts as well. You should also use an LJ-cut for images and large amounts of text.

5) This RP includes adult content. If you are easily offended, especially by slash, femmeslash, het, and smut, do not to apply. This is also not a sex RP, so if that is your only interest, look elsewhere.

6) No god-moding. God-moding is when you decide a character's actions, fate, canon, or response without consulting the other character's player. This can be as minimal as assuming a character's actions or as drastic as writing their actions in the log without permission. This will not be tolerated and can result in your dismissal from the game with or without warning.

7) Our canon comes from seasons 1 and 2 of the anime Kyou Kara Maou. Our RP will exist after episode 78, and does not incorporate canon from the OVAs, novels, manga, interviews, dramas, radio, games, or season 3, etc. You can draw on those sources for inspiration, but the events did not occur and facts revealed only in those places do not need to be recognized.

8) Posts should be in English. It's all right to use some recognizable Japanese words or phrases (ex: Heika), but primarily English, please. Provide a key if it is anything that might possibly cause confusion even if you use the words regularly. You should also use spell check and watch your grammar.

9) Stay in character. OOC characters should stay out-of-character, but consistently. This doesn't mean they can't grow and evolve as events unfold in the RP! Certain events may cause OOC-ness, but outside of those, please make an effort to keep in character.

10) This RP should reflect the show it is based upon - that means crack, drama, romance, ORGIES (well, there should have been orgies...), angst, fluff, etc. Mix it up! And please do not assume your preferences are superior to someone else's.

11) With few exceptions (Huber and Nicola, the Shibuyas...) there are no actual, mutually involved pairings when season 2 ends. This game began the same way. If you are joining with the expectation that your favored pairing will happen - reconsider.

*The rules are subject to change if a situation demands it.


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