Title: Prerogatives (3/4)
wojelahPairing: Emily Prentiss/David Rossi; Aaron Hotchner/Jennifer Jareau (but only if you're so inclined)
Rating: FRAO
Spoilers: Through To Hell...And Back, but it's "blink and you'll miss it"-type stuff.
Summary: Prerogative. n. A right or privilege which belongs to a person by virtue of rank, office, position or
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Comments 6
OMG, less queasy than yesterday, but OMG, your descriptive powers are just unbelievably amazing. I felt like I was concussed. Thid is absolutely so brilliant and beautiful.
She talks to all of them, including Dave, who doesn't say much: his voice is raspy and curt, but he reiterates his promise to do exactly as required.
This says SO much by him saying so little.
The last section made me wibble ridiculously.
I am so in love with these characters and this pairing and your writing.
Brilliant. Just unbearably, unbelievably brilliant.
By the way, I refreshed LJ every 2 minutes from noon on.
Thank you so much for sharing your talent. It's a gift.
All of your characterizations, all of the voices are absolutely dead on. Even the ones in her head...which was just such a perfectly brilliant touch. Even Gideon. So, so perfect.
Barb is a wonderful OC and all of the little details are just so rich and enriching.
The highest compliment I can give is that I spent all the paragraphs in the Sunoco terrified that Barb would be in league with Howell , and was so very relieved when Hotch and JJ finally showed up.
My favorite part, above all, was her team backing her up while she was fighting the bastard, and the fact that voices in one's head can be comforting. Our team is so codependent, but in the good way. (I like imagining the Hotchalanche that ensued back at the ranch.)
Great stuff. Really, really great stuff. Nice to see Emily getting her own ass out of danger instead of waiting to be rescued, and very good reactions from the team. It's easy to see how worried they must have been, even without hearing their thought processes.
The only bad thing is that any R/P I write now will look paltry in comparison.
Eagerly awaiting the final part.
Can't wait to see where you take this next.
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