Hmm. I wanted to blog... but I forgot what about.
Oh. Right. I want to share with you (whoever you are) my list of things I want to do before I die. Exciting, no?
Okay, so... here goes.
- MOST IMPORTANT - I want to be in love with someone who's in love with me. Uh, yeah. Can't half tell I'm a hopeless hopeful romantic, can you? :P
And then we've got the less important (but still important) ones:
- Write (and have published) at least one novel.
- On that same train of thought, win at least one NaNoWriMo.(EDIT: COMPLETED!! November 30, 2008!!)
- Travel to:
- Sao Paulo, Brazil.
-New York, USA; Rio, Brazil; London, England - So I can come back and sing "I Still Call Australia Home" and actually mean it :D
- France
- Italy
- UK
- Learn all the words to "Word Disassociation" by Lemon Demon :D - because, come on, it'd be totally awesome!
- Learn all the words to "Come On Eileen" by Dexy's Midnight Runners - because whenever I hear it, I want to sing along, but can only go kind of like, "Neh neh neh... neh neh neh-neh-neh..." haha
- Have a song written about me, for me, or inspired by me - because you could probably win my heart like that. EDIT: Chris wrote me a song, November 12th, 2008, because he's adorable like that :D Yet to hear it performed :P
- Be depicted as art; painted, drawn, photographed... anything artistic and awesome that you can hand to me and I can hang on my wall - you could probably win me over like this, too.
- Meet JKRowling - have you read Harry Potter?
- Meet Matt Lewis - because I'm a fangirl, pretty much. And he seems like a nice guy :)
- Have someone make me a mixtape - because I think that is one of the most romantic gifts ever.
- Have people know my name.
- Read a hell of a lot of books.
- Win a game of solitaire in 45 seconds or less. EDIT: Completed, Sunday, 19th October, 2008, 10:40 AM AEDST
So. Yeah. That's my list. Please don't laugh :D
- Have at least one white Christmas
- Go to Platform 9 3/4 at Kings Cross in London
- Buy a bunch of flowers and give single flowers out to strangers
- Get my goodnight spiel as popular as possible - "Goodnight. Sleep tight. Don't let the bed bugs bite. If they do... bite them back! They taste like gummy worms" :)
- Go to a masquerade ball XD
- Go out on The Edge at the Sky Deck at Eureka Tower (EDIT: COMPLETED! Sunday the thirteenth of December in the year two thousand and nine, with the House Too Cool to Be Awesome, Rhi Bezzina and Ben and Chris Underwood ^_^ )
- Go to a Melbourne Cup
- Go in a hot air balloon
- Make porno music / comment time on
- Go everywhere mentioned on a British Monopoly board
- Go on an epic near-spontaneous roadtrip with a friend
- Donate blood
- Have my fortune told by a professional, to see if it will come true.
- Go to Watergardens with Alana. Because after more than a year of saying that we were going to, and it still not happening, there needs to be more incentive :P(EDIT: COMPLETED!!! A lovely day shopping on Sunday the fourth of July, 2010)
- Meet Kaylee Marie Hohmann
- Write a musical radio drama
- Eat broccoflower with cheese with Alana. (EDIT: COMPLETED! Eaten on Saturday the 8th of May, 2010, thanks to Pat's lookout from the inside :D)
- Learn to ride a bike properly and go for a ride with Alana
- Go to the Geelong Smorgies' and pig out! (EDIT: The Geelong Smorgies is closed. Apparently there's one in Melbourne, though?)
- Catch public transport to the last stop
- Dance in my underwear, a la Risky Business